q&a / contest

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so in honour of 10k reads, i am doing a q&a and a contest. the q&a is really self explanatory so here ::

dirty questions (make them as dirty as you want omf) : leave them here

personal questions (about things such as self harm, my depression, etc bc i want there to be no secrets with us) : leave them here

stuff about this story (my inspiration, any other questions you want answered or things you are confused about involving the characters) : leave them here

random ass shit that i highly encourage you all ask (stuff like what i ate for breakfast or how many siblings i have) : leave em here

as for the contest, which i highly doubt aNY OF YOU WILL DO LOL, i want you guys to make an edit ((NOT A VIDEO EDIT UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO)) and have a line from this story somewhere on it.

please note that the edits, video or not, will be judged the same. just bc someone makes a video edit doesnt mean im gonna think it's better. the edits can either have michael in it, or just a line from here. but the edit


for example : you cant have a fucking rainbow and unicorn with a sad quote from here ya get me? k.

if you make a video edit, dm it to my instagram, which is fxck.http, along with your wattpad user :-)

for regular edits, tweet them to my twitter, which is fxckinjc along with your wattpad user somewhere on it :-)

just cause im nice, the contest will end when the book ends. which is whenever idk so it basically is gonna be open for a bit.

however, all questions must be submitted by next friday, or sometime that weekend bc i dont want poeople asking questions after im done with it. *makes cringe face*

thats it lol idek i love girls, gay people, japanese shit like manga and yaio, poetry, and nico di angelo (wAIT HE'S GAY FUCK) ok scratch that im switching to the leo valdez lane bYE

(( im a fucking percy jackson nerd jfc ))

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