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we went to get my schedule today.

not pleased with my classes to be honest.

you'd be disappointed. none of my classes are AP except for english, even though i hate literature of any type.

you love literature.


me and luke, yeah hemmings, the boy that got beat up a lot for being gay, remember him? he's in english with me. and guess what? he's dating ashton irwin. that really odd, yet chill dude whom you were positive would go on to teach music.

luke seems so much happier.

he told me it was all thanks to you.

that without your encouragement, he never could have came out to his family. he told me that he thanks god every night for being able to have known you.

have known.


because he can't say 'know'.

that's present tense.

we can't talk about you in present tense anymore.

- august 1, 2014

when she loved me / cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now