Chapter 5

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Elena and Kol were at the capitol it was time for him to get sworn in as president. She had to be on her best behavior even if she didn't want to. They were at the capitol she was standing in the spot reserved for presidents wife. She kept her lips pressed together in a tight smile and held her hands crossed in front of her.

"I do Solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and will to the best of my ability, Preserve, Protect, and Defend the constitiuon of the United States"

"So help you god."

"So help me god."

Elena honestly didn't listen to his speech cause honestly she didn't care that much. She was still mad. She might have not let it show on the trip. Because if this was her only marriage her honeymoon was not going to be a disaster.But she couldn't help wonder who was Carmen. She didn't know a Carmen.

Elena was sitting in the back of the car with Kol."I still have to go get my stuff from Mystic Falls."

"From where you and Damon lived." Kol asked.

Elena rolled her eyes." Seriously We have a deal which you already broke, i behave and you act like you love me. Everything will be fine. If it makes you feel better Henrick can come with me. I have his schedule i can get everything done before he gets back and i still have all my stuff there. Clothes pictures personal hackable devices that connect to my phone. So unless you want someone to get a hold of that you have to let me go. There is no way that all my stuff is staying there."

"Fine take Henrick with you. But i don't want you talking to him."

"See was that so hard. Now can we go now? Not everyone has everything prepared for weeks. I was thrown into a wedding hours before it started."

He opened the door to the car and helped her out. Both immediantly being swormed with reporters. He took her hand and guided them through the reporters into his old house. They had to act like a couple in the public eye. If they wanted this to work it had to seem like they were together.

Elena groaned."I hate reporters. Why do they have to always be around."

"Because there reporters so they have to be around its there job to find out secrets."

"You mean how you married your ex-girlfriend because your fiance got into a car accident and died."

He turned and glared at her."Are you serious right now."

"So am i calling Henrick or are you because i have to go. My brother is going to want to talk to me and so is Caroline and Bonnie not to mention my twin sister. My aunt Jenna everyone is going to want to know how i ended up married. To the guy that broke my heart in too." She was purposly getting on his nerves and she could tell that it was working.

"I'll call him." Kol huffed and walked away."You can get ready for your flight."


Elena packed her bag she had bought stuff In Hawaii realizing she only had 3 outfits and they were going to be there a month. She packed a small bag knowing she was going to be there overnight cause she would have to come back in the next two days for the move.

She grabbed her jacket and walked to the car where she knew Kol was. She was let in by the bodyguard. She got in and closed the door."I'm ready."They went to get Henrick. And went to the airport. Once they got out once again reporters surronded them again. Henick and Elena got on the Mikaelson's private plane. Elena turned towards Kol."Please don't do anything stupid."

"Have you met me."

"I grew up with you."

"Lets go i told Bonnie we left an hour ago" Henrick complained.

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