Chapter 9

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Elena was sitting on the stage reluctantly listening to the press confrence although she hated it so much. She would rather be doing anything else. Caroline was sitting next to her taking notes on the confrence. Since that was her job as white house press secretary. She knew that she was reqired to come to things like this because she was the presidents wife.

"So Mr. Mikaelson you are 35 the youngest president ever. Who was your support system?"

"My beautiful wife."

Caroline looked at Elena and whispered."It's not a lie Elena." She knew that it was true she knew that this was always supposed to be the way that it happened,

Elena smile. As she looked around and seen the Mikaelson family scattered in the crowd."I know." She knew that this was what they had planned before they broke up that she was going to be there for him when he finally got in.

Caroline did not want her to think anything differently."Good."

Elena knew that it was true he dated Davina for two years. He dated her for four she had been there at the start of his political campaign. She was the person that he had wanted to be his first lady in the white house she just had to remember that. But with everything that had happened it was never easy to remember that it was always supposed to be her here not Davina.

"You've been in the white house close to 4 months and i know that you are younger then most of the former presidents much younger 1 how did you get this role so young "

"I started in politics straight out of college i always knew that i wanted to do something that would make a difference. My dad helped a lot in that Area he helped me get my name he helped me get into the government and get to where i am today." He had always wanted to change and he didn't want to just be known because of who his family was. But who he was too."I know that i am by far one of the youngest presidents in history and i guess that should be an honor but people depend on me to make the decisions now. And a lot of people don't think that i know what is best for this country but like i said when i started running for this spot. This is my country i grew up here and i want us to thrive i want things to change so that our nation becomes one that everyone wants to be."

"2 how are you coping now that you are in the white house?"

"I come from a big family i am able to cope because not only the things that i have been through but also the people around me. My family moved to this city when i decided to start my campaign. They supported me through hard times. I have the woman that i love by myside everyday. And she's surprisingly good at pep talks." In trith he was glad that Elena was by his side but it was hard not to thing of how the two had ended years ago.

Caroline leaned over to whisper in her ear. She knew that Kol had always loved teasing her."He just likes messing with you remember that."

She nodded"I know that."

"Next question if all goes well this year do you think-"


Caroline and Elena stood up seeing a girl in the crowd wheezing and mother absolutley terrified. Caroline looked at Elena she knew that she knew how to handle this type of thing."Your a doctor go."

"Get them to be quiet." Elena ran down the stairs and made her way through the crowd. "Move." She had the mother help her help the daughter sit down. She made her voice go soft and calm a trick she learned in Med School. So she could get her to calm down it would help to stop the panic attack."Follow the sound of my voice."She nodded. She took out a light that she had in her purse. Shinning it in the girls eyes."Do you see the light." She nodded. Elena put the light back taking out her phone and played ocean sounds. Another trick tghhat she had learned let the paitent get lost in the much it will calm them down and help there heart rate get back to where its supposed to be."Listen to the music allow it to calm you. Breath in through your mouth out through your nose it will allow your heart to slow down." She did as told and the wheezing slowly stopped."Stay calm if you get worked up you'll go into a state of shock. Let the music calm your nerves don't pay attention to nothing else except the sound of the waves crashing. Close your eyes imagining the water and the calmness it brings." She closed her eyes as she continued to breath in and out slowly. She let her continue to breath in and out for a few minutes before finally asking."Do you feel better?"

She nodded opening her eyes and breathing out. Elena helped her stand up."Thank you!"

"No problem." It was her job to help people she has had a panic attack herself and she knew it wasn't pretty."What's your name?"


She knew there was a lot of different triggers that could have brought that on."Pretty name, what caused the Panic Attack Adalind."

"I've never been a fan of crowds i wanted to try to come and see if i could get over it. Didn't work to well for me."

"Fear is never easy to get over with." Again that was something that she knew from experience Fear was not an easy thing to get rid of. You had to take steps for it to work."I suggest you take it slow don't come to something as big as a pressconfrence. Or a football game. Try going to a store and taking it place by place ending with something as big as this."

"Are you the presidents wife?"

"Yes. Elena Mikaelson but i'm also Dr. Mikaelson i help with things like this."

"Thank you."

"If you ever have another one try to slow your heartbeat and listen to something soft water may not be good for you, you could choke on it calm yourself down and get out of the situation." It was the best advice there was whenever something got to much you were supposed to get yourself out.

"Thank you."

Adalind's mom looked at her."Thank you so much i don't know i would do if anything ever happened to her."

"I promise its fine it might be best if you get her out of here." She knew that someone with a fear like that needed to start with something small and work her way up."Agoraphobia is a very serious fear take it place after place with her."

"I will thank you. I have to go Nice meting you two." Elena went back up on the stage.

Caroline was shocked she knew Elena was good but not that good."How do you do that?"

"Doctor voice were trained to make her voice be soft and comforting for paitents."

Kol walked over to the two."You two ok?"

"Fine." Elena nodded she was happy to help anyway that she could.

"I swear that you surprise. me everyday."

"A lot changed in two years."

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