chapter 10

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Elena and Caroline were packing for one of Elena's first lady trips."So where are we going." Caroline knew that she had to go with her but she was confused to where exactly they were going in Virgina.

"Mystic Falls," Elena sighed even though she really didn't want to go she knew that she had to. Especially since Ko was never going to set foot in that town for the rest of his presidentcy.

Caroline turned to her she had known that they were going there she would have been much more prepared."Why?"

"There's something going on and when the president is busy first lady has to go and i choose you to come with me" Elena didn't want to go there but she knew that she really didn't have much of a choice but to go someone had to."I'm hungry."

"I want sushi."

"Eww" Elena held her chest she felt like she was going to puke. That was making her stomach queasy and she was totally disgusted."I'll be right back." She ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Do you need to go to the medical wing." Caroline asked she had never seen Elena throw up that randomly she had an idea but she totally did not want it to be true. She wasn't sure if Elena would be able to handle it. She knew that she was not going to react well to it.

When Elena was done she sat against the wall. She already knew what Caroline was thinking and she didn't want it to be true. But she knew that there was a huge chance that it was true."She's not here family emergency. I'm step in. I don't feel good Caroline."

Caorline went in and helped Elena up she knew that they needed to find an actual doctor to see if everything was alright."Fine then we go to the actual hospital."

"Ok." Elena knew that she needed to seea doctor.

Caroline and Elena walked downstairs to the car. This was something that they had to do. They got in Elena staring out the window scared of what the doctors were going to say to her."Are you two ready to go."

"Reroute hospital please." Caroline knew that they were going to have to change there plan for the next few days. She also knew that whatever the doctor had to say were going to change everything.

"Yes Mam."

Caroline pulled out her phone and texted Kol. She knew that this was something that she was not able to call and tell him. Elena was not going to want to hear her tell him that."Get your ass to the hospital i think your wife is pregnant"

Next she called the hospital she knew that Elena was not going to like hearing this. But they needed to explore the possiblility"Hello Washignton hospital."

"Hello this is Caroline Forbes Secretary and best friend to the first lady were on our way because she doesn't feel good and i thin that she is pregnant."

"Caroline please don't say that." She knew that it was going to happen eventually but she didn't know if she was ready for it to happen now.

"Ok will have a room ready for y'all."

"Thank you so much will be there soon."
When they got there Kol was waiting."You ok." He could tell that she was not happy about being at the hospital right now.

"I don't like Hospitals but i can't treat myself." She wished that she could treat herself it would serve her from all the nervousness that she was experiencing right now. She knew there was a chance but she guessed that the last time just gave her PTSD."Can we go in?"

The three went in. Kol looked to Caroline who shrugged her shoulders. And mouthed"I have no clue." She knew that was lying but she was not going to be the one to tell him anything.

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