Chapter 8

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Elena was sitting on her bed going through articles it was getting late and she didn't want to go to sleep without Kol. She was happy that their wasn't any bad press in the articles though that might be a distaster.  Which was a;ways a good thing because paparatzi always liked to try and trash presidents and make them seem bad. Or they liked to spread rumors about the First lady and she did not want to be dragged anywhere near that. She already had enough Skeletons in her closet without them searching for more.

She rubbed her eyes trying to keep herself awake she wanted to stay up but she just didn't have the energy to. Their was a party coming up and she had to choose things that were going to happen for it. And since Kol refused to step foot in Mystic Falls that meant that she had to go to it. It was in a month and a half and she needed everything perfect. They were supposed to go live it would be her first offical event. She was kind of nervous about it but she knew that it was good he was incredibly good at making people believe what he was saying was true. Even if  wasn't she was sure that was how he got the job in the first place.

The door opened Kol walking in he was surprised that she was awake. He knew that his meetings had been running longer then intended."I thought you'd be sleep?"

"Looking over some Articles i didn't want to go to sleep until you were done."  She put them back in a folder setting them on the night stand. They were married and they were pretty much acting like the past didn't happen. And that was completly fine with her. After they broke up she had missed how he had used to hold her. No one else could ever compare to how safe she felt in his arms."Is everything ready for your press confrence in a couple days." She may have wanted to stay up but she really hoped that she didn't have to again.

"Everything is ready." He nodded he knew that she wasn't going to be able to keep her eyes open for much longer he could tell that she was exhausted.

"Does that mean your not going to be working till 12 for the next few days." Elena teased she knew that today had been all about prepping for the press confrence which had been why he was working later. But she really didn't want it to happen again she knew that occassionaly it would happen and there would be nothing that she could do to stop it. She would just have to deal with it and be ok.

He nodded honestly he would rather spend time with her. He was getting to see a glimpse of the girl that he had once knew again/"Hopefully."

"Good i'm tired." She yawned she was ready for the press confrence to be over with. She reached over and turned off the side table light laying down in the bed. She knew that it would not take her long to fall asleep. But she was happy he was here now.

He went to change and came back and she was sound asleep he chuckled and went to lay next to her turning off his side lamp. Wrapping his arm around her and holding her close. There was nothing better.
A/n: Sorry that its short i just wanted it to be simple

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