Chapter 14

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They walked into their room he turned towards Elena. He really didn't want to do this but if she really wanted to, he was going to tell her what she wanted to know. "Are you sure about this?"

Elena nodded they needed to do this they couldn't keep pretending that the past didn't happen. They had to face the truth if both of them knew the full truth it would make everything easier. Because it would guarantee that the feelings were real."We can't keep walking around eggshells Kol we both need to know the truth of the moment. Please."

"Ok." He walked her over to the bed where they both sat down. He stood up walking over to the table grabbing his wallet opening it and grabbing the folded letter he walked back over to her and handed it to her sitting down next to her.

She opened the letter and read it to herself.
Dear Kol
After everything that we have been through i need to tell you that it is over. I can't bare to say it to your face i fell in love with someone else i know that i said i would always be by your side but it has already been a long journey and I'm ready to settle now. I am one of the luckier students getting into medical school and Law school managing them both. Officially i am a lawyer and in a year i will be done with my residency and have my medical license. I shouldn't have cheated on you but i felt as if the two of us were drifting apart so i just made it easier on me. I left with him and if i do comeback i will be with a different person someone that i know can love me like i deserve to be loved.
With Love,

She looked up at him she now understood at least why he never wanted to see her again. It sounded like she really wrote it and if she would have been him, she would have thought it was her too. "I didn't write this." She knew that was the first step to the truth reading the letters.

"Excuse me!" He didn't understand what she was saying. He swore that she had wrote that letter.

She took a breath that old saying the truth will set you free was feeling real at the moment."I never wrote this Kol. I learned a few things tonight that you need to know starting with when i was pregnant and disappeared for two weeks i was in D.C at your parents' house crying for two weeks. Because Davina tried to kill me and i lost the baby," She could see the ook on his face change and knew that she was going to have to explain further.

"What?" He was confused why would Davina had gone after her or why did she end up with Damon then.

She took a breath knowing that this was the only way for the truth to finally be out. "Let me start over two days before I disappeared, I found out I was pregnant I told Freya., She was supposed to help me come up with a way to surprise you. Davina thought that I was going to be alone in my dorm while you were doing stuff for your dad. So, she came, and we got to arguing to fighting she stabbed in my stomach, and I fell back and hit my head in shock because I was pregnant." This was hard for her to talk about, but she knew that she had to. "And i knew getting stabbed in the stomach was not good. I don't know how she knew I was pregnant, but she did. She left me there to die. Cause when I hit my head, I started bleeding worse. Freya found me maybe half an hour later she called 911 they had me airlifted to D.C. The stitches were from where she stabbed me multiple times. I was at your parents' house crying my eyes out for two weeks because I couldn't come back yet, and I didn't want to tell you over the phone and i knew that if I called that I would start crying I didn't want anyone else to know what happened. When i got back I seen you kiss Davina I ran to my room than i found this." She grabbed her phone taking the case out and taking the hidden folded letter that was there she handed it to him. "I already know you didn't write that, but you really should read it" She knew that this was starting to make a lot of thinks make sense.

He took the letter to shocked to say anything he opened it and read it to himself.
Dear Elena
After everything that we have been through I probably owe you better than this. I have been with someone else for weeks now. At first, I wanted to propose to you, but you are always so caught up in what you were trying to do. A doctor a lawyer. So, I moved on in the most shittiest way ever. But i love her more than anything that I have ever felt for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with her because I know that she will always be focused on what I am. Maybe cheating on you for weeks was not the best idea. I learned through our school's famous rumor mill that you were trying to get pregnant to trap me, I can love a child without having to be their mother.

He looked at up her when he finished the letter and she just nodded. She knew what he was thinking. "They made you sound perfectly cocky arrogant and a total asshole now you see how felt when I read that. I had just come back from miscarrying a baby and i read that." When she had read it, she had hated it and hated him with a passion never wanting to see him again. 

"Oh god." He couldn't believe that they had wrote this and gave it to her.

"There is still more" She knew that she was still going to have to explain what she had heard in the room. " Caroline Rebekah and I disappeared into one of the many rooms today we heard someone coming and hid in the closet"

He didn't understand why all three of them would hide in a closet at a party. "Why would-"

She cleared her throat interrupting him that was not the point the point was the things that she had heard. "Not the point Carmen came in with Stefan Salvatore. Caroline being Caroline decided to start recording. Stefan was helping Davina he knew that she was trying to kill me he wrote the letter I got she wrote the letter you got. They knew if the other thought we were cheating we'd never talk again. He's Layla's father she knows that you'll believe but he knows that he can convince way more people than Carmen can. He wants her for her money because he gave his trust to Carmen to try and pay her off. Thats why she never wants him in his daughter's life. Apparently, Damon has been in love with me since we were teenagers but i ended up with you. He pushed Damon towards me after hell happened that's how we got together. He said your parents were responsible for Davina's death. Stefan was in love with her, but she was in love with you, so he helped her. Carmen wasn't folding but he had something that he knew would make her." Elena knew that this was a lot to take in and that he was still going to have to hear the tape to fully comprehend what was going on.

Elena grabbed her phone and went to the tape Caroline sent her and played it. She watched as his face changed as he listened to it. She knew that he finally understood everything. And that was going to make this all a lot easier.

"How did Rebekah react?" He knew that it must have not been easy for his little sister. Because she hated Carmen hearing that the sister, she hated only wanted to ever protect her.

Elena smiled lightly she knew that Rebekah felt guilty for everything that she had done. "She hated hearing that Stefan would do something like that, but she hated even more that her older sister whose life she always made hard had protected her even if she didn't have to." She knew that Rebekah was going to try and make amends for everything she had did.

"Are you ok?" he knew that must have not been easy for her to hear.

"They staged everything, and we were their puppets." She felt her eyes clouding she couldn't believe the things that they had did. "They made me lose my baby they made me hate you. I want them dead."

He took her phone and the two notes setting it on the table. He knew that this was all getting to be a lot for her, and the stress was not good. With everything that she had just told him i t changed her entire perspective of what he wanted to do next. "Let's get you to bed."

"What about what he said Carmen can't do that for us." She did not want Carmen to have to keep that big of a secret from everyone she knew and loved. 

"I know." He hated that his sister was doing all of this to protect him when she didn't have to. He knew that he had to do something about it.

An idea popped in her head one that would ruin Stefan without the secrets that Carmen wanting to remain secret truly getting out. "Do you parents have someone who can forge documents."

"Yeah why? "He turned off the light lying next to her, he could tell she was thinking of something and didn't know what it was. "What are you think about?"

"A way to ruin Stefan without what happened getting out." She knew that it was going to be a long shot but if done right it might just work.

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