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Now back in DC Elena had planned a press conference just in case the tape was to get out so that they had a cover story. They had it all planned, and they just had to say it and not mess up.

She was sitting on the bed in the room rubbing her bump. She just wanted everything to go alright she knew that they were taking a big risk with this.

 Kol walked in and sat next to her. He knew that all of this was taking a toll on her. He knew she was scared of how everything was going to go.  "Are you ok?"

"Is he here yet?"  She just wanted to get this over with, the faster it was done the less things she had to worry about.

"Not yet. Are you sure about this?" He wanted to make sure that she was completely sure that this was she wanted to do. Because once they did this there was no coming back.

"I am not letting Stefan blackmail her, and this will guarantee that " She knew that it was a long shot but she was not letting Stefan get away with what he was doing. He had no right to do it in the first place and if anything was to happen he was not tearing there family apart.

"Ok."  He knew that there was no chance in talking her out of doing to do it.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in."

Carmen stuck her head in. She knew that they wanted this to go right and they needed him to do it. "Ethan is here?"

"Thanks here we come."

"Alright." She left out closing the door leaving the couple.

"You ready for this?" He knew that everything was about to change with the story they were about to tell. But if it went right then everything was going to be alright.


They both got up and walked to where Ethan was in the foyer. "I got the documents." He handed Elena a folder she opened it taking the files out. There was two contracts with the signatures they didn't look new that was going to help a lot.

"Thank you." She was happy that they had these. "Caroline will send them out after the press conference."

"You ready."

"Yeah." It was now or never.


"Alright the president and his first Lady would like to address some rumors that have been floating around. So introducing Elena and Kol Mikaelson."

The two stepped out onto the stage as everyone started clapping. It was time to do that for their future

They had agreed ahead of time of how they were going to do it. "Hello everyone i want to address the rumors that have been going around that i had something to do with the accident that Stefan Salvatore was in. According to his mother i planned it out and had my husband's family execute it. And she is demanding justice on it." She knew Lily and she knew what Lily would do.

"What was your stand?"

"For that we are going to have to start with how our story actually started. And it was no fairy tale we never thought we would make it here together,"

"My parents and her parents made a contract when the two of us were born."

"An Arranged marriage. I'm 2 years younger than him they wanted to guarantee our futures, so they made a deal."

"We grow up together." That wasn't a lie they had always been close growing up.

"We never knew about it until recently. We never figured out why our parents always wanted us so close. We started in college just fooling around and it grew to something more. Thats when Davina Claire and Stefan Salvatore started their plot. He was in love with her and willing to go along with her plan to break the two of us up. She also knew that i had just found out i was pregnant."

"Stefan wanted to get Elena with his brother because he knew that he had always been in love with her. " That wasn't a lie either it wasn't all going to be lies but they were going to have to twist the truth a little.

"But they didn't know about the contracts. No one but our parents knew and mine were already dead. 6 years ago Stefan Salvatore tarnished his image and he told no one about how he got myy older sister in law pregnant. He abandoned her and left her brother to pick up the pieces. Layla his daughter has never met him and he calls her  a mistake. When i found out i was pregnant i told Freya Mikaelson she was flying out to Mystic Falls to help me plan a surprise reveal. When she got their i was laying in a pile of my own blood. Davina Claire had attacked me stabbed me and i hit my head having been stabbed in my stomach i was pained knowing what that meant for my baby. I have stitches from scars that will never go away. Freya flew me here to a doctor who informed me that i miscarried."

"Stefan and Davina proceeded to plant false letters claiming to be from us to each other." They had planned to read the actual letters that tore them apart to begin with.

"This is the one that they gave him saying i wrote. She took out the letter and began to read it.  Dear Kol After everything that we have been through i need to tell you that it is over. I can't bare to say it to your face i fell in love with someone else i know that i said i would always be by your side but it has already been a long journey and I'm ready to settle now. I am one of the luckier students getting into medical school and Law school managing them both. Officially i am a lawyer and in a year i will be done with my residency and have my medical license. I shouldn't have cheated on you but i felt as if the two of us were drifting apart so i just made it easier on me. I left with him and if i do comeback i will be with a different person someone that i know can love me like i deserve to be loved. With Love, Elena. He read this letter while i was in the hospital. I had no clue about it until a couple months ago i didn't understand why he didn't trust me because of the letter i got. "

"This is the one that they gave Elena claiming i wrote he took out the one that he had. Dear Elena After, everything that we have been through I probably owe you better than this. I have been with someone else for weeks now. At first, I wanted to propose to you, but you are always so caught up in what you were trying to do. A doctor a lawyer. So, I moved on in the most shittiest way ever. But i love her more than anything that I have ever felt for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with her because I know that she will always be focused on what I am. Maybe cheating on you for weeks was not the best idea. I learned through our school's famous rumor mill that you were trying to get pregnant to trap me, I can love a child without having to be their mother.  Sorry Kol. They lied to us to make the broke up knowing that we would never want to see each other again after hearing these. She had just came back from D.C. After having a miscarriage reading this."

"We broke up i got with Damon Salvatore he got with Davina Claire, we avoided each other at all costs. That was until we learned of the contract and we talked we learned what really happened. What really caused us to seperate."

"My sister was not aware of this and was going to tell us what we knew but hadn't told anyone we knew. He knew nothing of the contract that brought us back together. I had wanted to marry her before everything went down. We were brought back together by the contract only because we didn't know what others around us were doing. My wife and I had nothing to do with the disapearrence of Stefan Salvatore or Davina Claire. But we are happy that they are no longer around to ruin what we have again. I am finally getting the family that i wanted with her years ago."

"I am pregnant with twins i am not that far and i stress a lot with the things that i already have to do. I suggested we address the rumors for the health of my pregnancy. When they broke us up, they never expected us to come back together but we did. Because of them we lost 2 years that we could have still been together. We lost a baby. We had nothing to do with the disappearances."

It had felt good to say that to know that things were really going to change now.


There will be 3-4 bonus chapters when they will come i am not yet sure

First Lady Mrs. Mikaelson- KolenaWhere stories live. Discover now