KNY Girls' First Kiss With S/O

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Mitsuri Kanroji

-You and Mitsuri were actually out getting dinner. 

-She was on her what-- fourth bowl? When you noticed she had some broth on her cheek. 

-Giggling, you leaned in close. Making her face flush. "S-S-S/O?"

-Grabbing a napkin, you wiped the broth off her cheek and smiled, still close to her face. 

- "You had some broth on your cheek, Mitsu-Chan..." you whispered warmly. Giggling as you watched her face turn all shades of red. 

- 'How romantic! But...still...' Mitsuri looked disappointed. Hoping that you'd actually kiss her. 

-You noticed. Smiling to yourself before quickly pecking her lips. Then you leaned back like nothing happened.

-She squeaked. Blushing and touching her lips to make sure that it indeed happened. 

-She couldn't stop squealing about it when she went home. 

Shinobu Kocho

-You were badly damaged from a fight with a demon. And as a result you were heavily unconscious. 

-You weren't dating Shinobu at the time, but she did worry over you a lot more than the other patients. (As harsh as it seems)

-It was so hard to push her bias aside. But while she was changing your bandages, your eyes fluttered open drowsily and Shinobu nearly lost her composure. 

- "Shi..." your voice was tired and raspy, having awoken after a few days. 

- "Ah, S/O! Lay back down, you--"

-You gripped the hems of her haori and leaned upwards. Kissing her on the lips in a drowsy and tired state. 

-She stopped. Her eyes going wide with shock as a blush adorned her face. 'Oh...'

-Then you fell back asleep, with Shinobu still blinking in shock. 

Nezuko Kamado

-You agreed to play hide and seek with Nezuko. You being the seeker while Nezuko ran off to hide.

-It took a while to find her, you admit. She could change her size to whatever she desired, and it made things difficult as you had to look in even the smallest of crannies.

-Eventually, you found her hiding behind a large tree in the back of the forest. Noticing how she was trembling with excitement.

-Deciding to surprise her, you climbed the tree and sat on the branch that overlooked Nezuko. Who shuddered when she noticed your shadow looming over her.

- "Found you~!" you giggled, swinging upside down to press a small kiss to her forehead.

-She blushed at your gesture, squealing in excitement when she felt your lips on her skin.

-Then you fell on her. 

Kanao Tsuyuri

-Kanao was sitting beside you as you watched the stars together on the roof. 

-You looked so pretty. Kanao was debating on whether or not she should make the first move, so she reached into her pocket and pulled out her coin. 

-Noticing this action, you cupped your hands over hers. Holding the coin inside. 

- "Kanao, what are you deciding on doing?"

-She fell quiet. Almost too stunned to move as her face started heating up. 

-Almost like you read her mind. You smiled and kissed her cheek, making her flare brighter than the sun. 

- "Ehehe, goodnight Kanao!" 

-Before she could even say anything, you slipped out. Leaving her alone on the roof with a blushing face. Hiding it with her hands.

- 'She felt so warm...'

Aoi Kanzaki

-You were helping Aoi hang the laundry out to dry. 

-Clipping the sheets together, you studied Aoi's face. Determined to get her chores done as neatly as possible.

- "Oi! S/O-Chan, quit staring and get back to work!"

-Giggling sheepishly, you nodded and bent down to get the basket next to you. Aoi did the same thing, and the two of you looked up to meet face to face. Very close to each other if I may add. 

-Aoi got embarrassed, her cheeks set ablaze when you grinned teasingly. 

-Pecking her lips, you backed up and immediately got back to work. Leaving Aoi a bubbling, flustered mess. 

-She was quiet for the rest of the day. And when Shinobu asked if she was okay she panicked. Muttering about how stupid and idiotic you were. 

-Shinobu knows now. She didn't even have to say anything. 

Kanae Kocho

-The two of you were on a date together at a festival. 

-It was the summer festival to be exact, and you and Kanae were looking at the various souvenirs being sold at the street shops. 

-While Kanae was distracted by a butterfly souvenir, you leaned close to her cheek and smiled, pretending to admire the pretty charm. 

- "Ah...S/O..." she whispered breathlessly, blushing at how close you were to her face. 

-When you pecked the corner of her lips and giggled, her cheeks flared up. Smiling at you and giggling as well. 

-You blushed when she did it back to you, giggling when your face heated up even more than hers. 

-The rest of the night was spent sneaking in little kisses every now and then. 


-You were both her nursing assistant, and girlfriend. However, since she was so busy all the time, you guys didn't even have your first kiss yet. 

-Well, that was going to change. 

-While Tamayo was getting a few medicines from a cabinet, you strolled up behind her and smiled. "Is there anything you need?"

-She shook her head, smiling. "Not at the moment S/O--" she blushed when she turned around. Seeing your face so close to hers. 

- 'Oh my...'

-With her cheeks tinted a pastel pink, you quickly kissed her lips and leaned back, smiling in amusement when she didn't say anything. 

- "Ah...thank you, S/O," she blinked in embarrassment, covering her face with her hand while she blushed. 

- (She's so pretty...)


-Unlike the other girls, Daki initiated the first kiss. 

-You were dangling upside down lazily when Daki used her sashes to pull you down, hanging in front of her like a dog treat. 

- "D-Daki!" you exclaimed, flailing your arms around in a frenzy. 

-She smirked teasingly, using her sashes to bring you closer to her face. 

-Cheeks red and eyes wide, she grabbed your face and kissed you. (You were still upside-down might I add)

-With the blood rushing to your head --aided with the fact that Daki was almost making out with you-- you grew dizzy and nearly passed out during the kiss. Making her giggle. 

- 'So cute...'

First KNY yuri chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.

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