KNY Girls With an S/O Afraid of Cute Things

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This prompt was based off of my main persona, as she is deathly afraid of cute animals. I also wrote this kind of prompt for the AOT girls in my new AOT Girlfriend Imagines book. So do check it out if you like Attack on Titan. 


Mitsuri Kanroji

-She doesn't understand why you'd be so afraid of tiny, fluffy creatures. 

-Every time you see one, you always panic and cling onto her like a human meat shield. Causing Mitsuri to just hold you up bridal style so the scary wittle bunny won't get you.

- "S/O..." Mitsuri would giggle and hold you up high, "It's just a bunny..."

- "Don't let it touch me Mitsuri! Please don't!"

-She finds it absolutely adorable how you hide behind her whenever something fluffy is around. Don't worry, she'll always protect you.

- "Leave it to me, S/O! I won't let it touch you!"

-Tried to help you get over your fears by introducing you to her pet rabbit.

-It didn't go so well.

-Now she just accepts it and protects you from anything you deem scary.

Shinobu Kocho

-Definitely teases you about it.

-While she doesn't like fluffy things either, she's not full on scared of them like you. So she uses your fear as an opportunity to tease and "bully" you.

- "Oh my, is that a stray cat I see?"

- "WHERE--"

-Smirks when you duck down behind her. Shaking like a leaf while you look around suspiciously for the "cat."

-She uses your paranoia as an excuse to hold you. As she feels like your personal bodyguard this way.

- "Oh, I was only joking, S/O. You're always so jumpy..."

- "Hmpf, you're so mean, Shinobu..."

-She does care about your fears though. And will protect you when there is an actual cute animal with you.

Nezuko Kamado

-She finds it odd why you're so comfortable with a demon rather than a fluffy animal. I mean, she could literally kill you at any moment, and yet you prefer her over any adorable creature.

- "S...Scared...?" she'd ask whenever you hide behind her.

- "Very, very scared! Nezuko, don't let it near me, please!"

-She doesn't understand it, as all she sees is a cute puppy, but she tries her best to shoo it away for you.

- "S/O scared...shoo, shoo!"

-Growls at the puppy to go away. Which makes you feel better when it leaves.

- "B-Better...?" your girlfriend would ask.

-You'd nod and cling onto her. Making Nezuko feel proud of herself for protecting her girlfriend.

- "Better..."

Kanao Tsuyuri

-Very intrigued by your weird cute-phobia. 

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