Chapter 1

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,,Honey can you please get the wood for the fire??"
I heard my grandfather yell from across the room. I accepted his request,that is the least I could do for may be confused as to what I am saying,I live with my grandparents deep in the woods. My parents died when I was a baby and everytime I asked my grandmother as to what happened she would immediately change the subject like she was trying to hide something from me, the same goes for my grandfather too. They wouldn't tell me anything about my past no matter my curiosity. The past is past,it couldn't be changed,so I would just brush it off. I went to get the wood my grandfather asked for as I usually would. I went to the woods into the freezing cold,it was hard but worth it ,,FUCK WHY IS IT THIS COLD" I litteraly screamed far where my grandparents wouldn't hear me.

Anyways I just continued to walk and walk deeper into the woods,not even looking to where I was going. I choped down some wood and headed back home. I looked around myself and saw nothing but darkness. I wasn't scared because I knew this forest like the pockets of my haori. The thing I was scared of was my grandparents's reactions to me being this late,they always told me to NEVER go outside after the suset because of the human-eating demons that awaken at night. When I was little I  believed that stupid rumour but, as I got older I figured it was fake... I didn't want to lose any time so I rushed to the house as quickly as possible.

When I got there I didn't see my grandfather who usually waited outside of the house,and the front door litteraly smashed into pieces!!! I was scared if what to expect to see in there. I faced my fear and went into the house...but as soon as I steeped in front of the door I saw a horrifying view... I saw the bodies of my grandparents just laying there in a pool of blood?! The blood in my veins froze and I couldn't help but to burst into tears. I was holding back tho.. I was holding my tears and screams,my yelps of pain and missory inside me so I will not alert the horrifying thing I saw. There was a huge demon like- thing above my grandparentses bodies. I decided to make a run for it! But as steeping back,my dumbass self accidentally dropped the wood I was carrying. The demon turned around with a big smile on his face. The demon sprinted to me and pinned me to the ground as it had his ,,hands" with huge claws around my neck,ready to strangle me to death.

,,Don't worry little girl! Be glad I saved you last so this will be quick and less painfull!" the monster said right into my face.

I froze,not knowing what to do. My eyes widened and a few tears went down my face... I remembered! Grandmother thought me some self defence in her spare time,she said it was important to know that if I ever crossed pathts with an ,,enemy" even tho I didn't know what that mean before. I wanted to go for it,even tho I doubted that would help against a big as fuck demon. I grabbed the demon by his neck and tossed him over me. I was amazed,I didn't know I had this much strength in me. But it wasn't over,while  the demon was down I jumped onto him putting my elbow on his neck to see that I litteraly choped his head off ,,How the fuck did you do that?!!?" the demon yelled. I bursted into tears ,,How the fuck are you not dead?!?!"  The demon looked even more furious than before. He grabbed me and threw me at a tree so hard I coughed some blood out. ,,I am done with you" the demon said as it prepared to plug my organs out with his claws. I gave up,I knew it was the end for me. I closed my eyes and waited for him to chop my head off. Until... I just heard something fall I opened my eyes. It was the demon's head!!!! I froze yet again but delighted that it was over. I looked up and saw someone..
It way a human I sighed in a calmed way. It was a guy, with messy Raven black hair,deep blue eyes,a missmached haori holding a katana in his hands that said ,,Demon Slayer" on it.
,,Are you ok?" he asked, for some reason my tears stopped. I was about to answer,but was cut off by hi looking up and down at me. I was confused. Suddenly he grabbed me,one arm by my legs,and the other around my shoulders. I muttered: ,,Eh? What are you doing?!" but he didn't even bother looking in my derection. Rude much I see? I tought to myself. The guy just layed me next to a tree and sat infront of me looking up and down again I confusion. ,,You ok?" I asked.
,,Did the demon hurt you in any way?"he asked. Before answering,I tought to myself... So demons do exist? But this was no time for questioning. I told him about how the monster thre me at a tree and everything. ,,Then how are you not hurt?" he asked. I now understood what he said and explains to him in a calm voice trough my tears ,,Oh well It's something I can do, when my blood touches a wound of some sort it heals up quickly" I said that with a calm voice, because I just thought it was something not so important. I didn't live near the city's or the other villages so I didn't know that was unusual. The guy wiedened his eyes to a suprise. Suddenly he stood up,took his blade and just cut a deep cut into his arm. ,,What the fuck?!?" I screamed then he made just a littel cut in my arm, he put it against his wound to see if my statement was true, when my blood touched his wound it healed quickly,and so did the cut on my hand. ,,See? It does heal" the guy shocked just looked at my way as only then he noticed my big red eyes. That was just my eye color it wasn't anything special,but he seemed shocked by it.

,,You are a demon" he muttered

Even as muttered I was able to hear him,I didn't say anything...I just froze.
Hello everyone! I am sorry if I have some spelling mistakes,but I am not from an English speaking country 😅
Anyways. . . I hope you liked the first chapter! I will post more daily and do other *anime character* X reader stuff! So be sure to check daily if you want more chapters and have a nice day!

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