Chapter 2

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I just sat there thinking... Litteraly an hour before,I didn't even know demons were real.. and now I find out I am one?!?!!!

What the fuck is going on,did I really miss much because of living only with my grandparents without a social life?
The man just standard there, I saw him having trouble to find the right words to say.

Suddenly the sun became to rise. I was admiring its beauty untill the man jumped Infront of me and covered me with his haori. His face was inches away from mine,I felt a light blush on my face but brushed it off quickly. The guy picked me up,like before and carried me to my grandparents's room and closed all the windows,without letting any sunlight come in. ,,What the hell are you doing?" I asked. He didn't even bother looking at me.
,,If the sunlight touches you,you will burn to death", the guy said with a deep husky voice. ,,What?!?!" I was so confused because I could noramly go outside in the day time. ,,What are you talking about?!? Here I will show you!" I ran out of the room and ran straight to the front door,ready to open it! But I felt a pair of strong arms grab me by my waist, ,,Did you not listen to what I just said? If the sunlight touches you,you will burn to death",it was the guy with the messy Raven hair and the missmached haori but I didn't even bother. I tired to push him but his arms were tightly around me,not letting go. I kicked him with my leg,and I didn't even know I had this kind of strenght.
I opened the door and jumped into the snow like it was nothing! I could feel the sun's warmth,but...nothing happened I was fine! I turned around and saw the guy inches away from me,still tightly holding his hands on my waist. When he opened his eyes he was shocked that I was till alive, he looked at my face and instantly turned around. I mean I did the same, we were really close to eachother it was embarrassing.

,,Usually demon burn when the sunlight touches them,you might not be a full demon yet,and I don't even see that you crave for humans much". Craved for humans?!? Yuck who does he think I am even? Oh right...he didn't even know my name. ,,What is your name?" I muttered..

,,My name I Tomioka Giyuu. Your's? "

,,Oh I am Y/n Hijimari"

Giyuu stopped as he was thinking of something... He didn't say anything for a few minutes. At one point he looked down at me with his eyes wide opened. ,,A-are y-you-" suddenly something inturuped him.
He jumped infront of me with his katana out. He stood in a defensive position as he was protecting me. Suddenly he blocked an attack of some girl as she just jumped over us with a smile. I froze in fear.

,,Ara ara Tomioka san, I didn't know you had a little demon friend?"
Giyuu just looked at her with an annoyed face. Not even moving.
,,I see she is very close to you..Don't worry! I will use a light poison on her so she with die without feeling anything!" The girl said everything with a big smile on her face.
The blood In my veins stopped. I knew I was done, I couldn't protect myself and why would he even protect me when we just met...I accepted the fact that I was gonna die...but Giyuu didn't.

,,Tomioka-San? What is the meaning of this? Are you protecting a demon? You know how that is strictly forbidden, esspeaciliy in the Demon Slayer corpses?!" Giyuu didn't seem to even care.. I was shocked that he acctualy cared about me. ,,I am not giving her to you." He said with his deep voice. Both of them stopped talking,and just got into a fighting position.

,,Hey? Can you walk?" Giyuu leaned and whispered it into my ear.
,,I can but not so fast". Giyuu didn't take his eyes off the girl but he was still talking to me.
,,Listen I want you to get out of here as fast as possible, and head East. Go into the deep woods of that part,and try to find a guy wearing a red, clown-like mask."

I had trust in him. So I followed as he said,even tho I didn't want to leave him here. ,,What about you?! I can't leave you here!" To that,Giyuu just looked at me with his deep blue eyes,trying to meet mine. I looked at him,almost got lost into those eyes. He gave me the ,,go away look" so I just started running. Constantly looking back just to see what was happening. I saw them swing their katanas,like they were in a serious fight even tho they were in the same ,,team" I guess.
At one point I saw the girl look at me so I runned as fast as I could, before she got the chance to go after me Giyuu stopped her. And at that part I couldn't see anything of the fight and I continued to run and run until I got to the closest village on the East.

Was I ok with what just happened? Hell no. I just found out I am a fucking demon. And met an acctual nice guy... I did feel guilty. Like I shoul've stayed even tho I wasn't helpfull. I saw the sun setting. I wanted to look around for a house,of anything to stay in. Or even build my own littel house for the night. I went into the forest,but immediately as I sat down ont a cut of tree I saw a man wearing a red, clown-like mask with along nose.

That scared the shit out of me! Like I was just jump-sacred by a clown!
He learned down and said
,, Urokudaki"
I was confused to what to do. Until he grabbed my arm and said ,,Training starts tomorrow,I want to see if you are worthy of being in the Demon Slayer Corpses."

What?!?? Me?!? A demon slayer?! Should I tell him I am a demon? Does he know Giyuu? Tomioka Giyuu told me to trust him,so I did.
I followed the man to an old cabin.

Well atleast I have a place to stay!

Hi guys! This is chapter two! Hope you liked it!

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