Chapter 3

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That day when I decided to follow the old man and trust Giyuu,was when I realized that I made the best desicion in my life. A risky one,but it turned out to be good.
The first day of our training he said he wanted to see,,what he is working with" I knew some defending positions,or how I can protect myself. My grandfather thought me that if I ever cross pathts a bear or something. Urokudaki-san after seeing me,decided to accept me as his student! He also noted that If I wasn't recommended I wouldn't have even ended up here. Recommended? Who recommended me?
,,It was Giyuu Tomioka if you must know"
Giyuu recommend me?!? But why?!? And how? The last time I saw him was when he was fighting a girl. Did he tell him I was a demon? My thoughts were cutted of when I heard Urokudaki talk to someone in the main room. When I went to look to what was happening,to my suprise,It was Giyuu!!! I was shocked! I didn't even see a scratch on him! I runned to him jumping to hug him.
,,Thank you so much!! You saved my life! I will never forget this." I said while trying to litteraly hold my tears back,I couldn't have thanked him enough. Giyuu looked down at me and patted my head.

,,Don't worry about it,but you must be careful,as you must promise to never devour a human." My eyes widened. What is up with me eating a human?!? I am not like that like ew...
Suddenly Urokudaki pushed me and

Giyuu outside in the cold snow.
,,You work with her for now, if you need me I will be in the kitchen"Urokudaki said and immediately closed the door on us.
Rude much? Ok... Giyuu just had his blank face on,like he didn't even think much about it. Giyuu just turned around and just started walking away.
,,Hey! I tought we were gonna train?" I yelled at him.
He didn't say anything. I figured he wasn't much of a talkative person.
The turned around and had that blank expression on his face.
,,Ok how about this, if you catch me I can start training with you." Giyuu said that knowing very well that even the other demon slayers had trouble coming to his speed level.
I said yes,but still confused. He just challenged me to a game of tag? That shouldn't be hard!
He moved a few meeters away from me,turned around and counted:,,one, two...THREE!"

He quickly started sprinting so fast,that I couldn't even catch up to him. I runned after him for a minute or so and already got tired. Even so.. I was not planning on giving up! I remembered something I learned from my grandfather,it was something with breathing? It was supposed to encrise my speed,and make me less tired,so I tried it. I stood there,closed my eyes and contracted.
                    Giyu's pov
I turned around to see if she already gave up. I saw her standing with her eyes closed, breathing heavily. I guess she gave up...too bad... Suddenly.. with a blink of an eye she dissapeared! I looked around myself but I didn't see her anywhere. I only looked to see her in mid air right above me! ,,D-did she just use concentrate breathing? How?"
She smirked and yelled ,,Gotch ya!"
She fell in top of me and we both fell on to the snow. She started laughing but she was still on me. She looked down and stood up. ,,S-sorry" she muttered. But even her pink cheeks didn't go unnoticed. I tought that was adorable. WHAT AM I THINKING?!? I shouldn't be overvelmed by someone I met in a day!

,,Cute" I tought to myself... Just to understand that I said that out loud... As I saw her eyes just wieden. Fuck,now this is gonna be akward.
                       Y/n pov
,,Cute!?!!?! CUTE?! DID HE JUST CALL ME CUTE?! DID I BLUSH?! HOLY SHIT what in the world just happened.....
I just stood Infront of him and leaned to give him a helping hand. He looked away and stood up by his self.
I noticed Urokudaki standing there watching us. Kinda creppy.
,,So Giyuu? Would you like to stay for dinner?" Urokudaki asked him.
,,Thank you for your invitation,but I must decline." Giyuu replied.
I was bummed honestly, he seemed really cool,and was the one I could only trust. ,,Aww Tomioka-San? Why don't you stay?" I thought it will be more respectfull to call him Tomioka-san I mean he was a d.s.
He looked down at me and said ,,I have to go on missions,I have to protect other people from demons. But we wil meet again one day. Urokudaki sensei I trust you to take care of her." He said and suddenly jumped onto a tree. He went from tree to tree just running  South. As he slowly dissapeared.

I was scared,he was the only one I could trust. But he did trust Urokudaki enough to leave me with him. I turned around to see Urokudaki waving me to come in. And from that day, I never saw Giyuu again... A few months later passed. I would train with Urokudaki every day. I was getting better I had to admit it! But not a day has passed that I haven't thought about Giyuu. Still I had to focus on training. I had trust in Urokudaki,he was like the father I never had! We would train every day,and then we would just eat dinner. He would tell me a lot about the demons, and demon slayer's history. It was fun!

One day,I decided to confront him,and tell him that I am a demon. I was scared to see his reaction,I hoped for the best! If I would've told him sooner maybe he wouldn't be that mad,but now a year has passed and he was training a demon to become a demon slayer?! But I couldn't keep it away from him any longer. I knocked on the door of his room as he just said come in!
I decided to go for it! Now or never.
,, Urokudaki sensei... There is something I must tell you. You see, I am acctualy not human, I am a demon but I don't have any reaction to the sun, and I never devoured a single human! I have healing powers a-and I promise to use them for good!" I said that to him as I got ready for his shocking reaction,or even to him throwing me out. But to my surprise,he just looked at me and continued drinking his tea.
,,Okay, so?" He asked.
WHAT?!? I litteraly tell him I am a demon,AN ENEMY and he just doesn't care. ,,I already knew that. I mean it was obvious, your eyes were the first hint. Then I once saw the cut on your hand heal under a minute. But you didn't have any reaction to the sun, nor did you seem to try and hurt anyone or eat them. Then Giyuu and I talked, he told me. I believe in you,and I trust you won't devour anyone."
Wow...he knew I was a demon and still accepted to train me.. I feel like I am about to cry,he was like family to me. ,,Thank you Urokudaki sensei,for everything...for believing in me,for accepting me even when I was a demon,thank your for having faith in me,and I will not let you down!
He simply nodded. ,,Okay Y/n now go to bed we need to get more serious,since the Final selection is soon.
The what now is soon?? I didn't understand what he was saying.
,,I will answer all your questions tomorrow,now good night". He calmly said.
,,Good night!!!"
Thank you for reading this! Next chapter coming tomorrow!

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