Chapter 5

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A few months have passed after the Final Selection, and my life has been acctualy good. I still lived with Urokudaki san,but I would go on missions everyday. It would always be the same,but I was fine with that! Fighting different variations of demons almost everyday acctualy showed how much I have improved!

But this one mission...

I got a message from my crow about my next mission. It was a little far so I instantly headed to where the crow was leading me. I ran and ran for about a few hours until I encountered a beautiful forest with tall trees,shallow rivers,and I would even see a little animal around,but I had no time of admiring its beauty. I had to go on my mission! And it didn't take me a while to find the demon...
A lower Moon 3 to be specific.
A few seconds later,the demon spotted me looking at it.

,,Don't be afraid,I don't bite" it said.

But I didn't trust him or her even for a second.

,,Well to be honest,I do bite a little" the demon said,as it quickly sprinted to me for an attack.

I knew it.

The demon jumped hitting me with a few little attacks,easy to defend! Suddenly! The demon started throwing spikes at me, too quickly and impossible to dodge.

Until.... One of the spikes that the demon threw went right trought my shoulder,making a deep cut into it.  I yelled in pain but I couldn't give up!
The demon looked at me with confusion. And then I just noticed how irritated it got, furious to be specific.

,,How are you still alive human?!?"

I chuckled to the demon.

,,Wait a second you are a DEMON!
WHAT IS A DEMON DOING ON THE SIDE OF HUMANS?!" You are making me sick! It said

I still had my other arm, I jumped,dodging the demon's hits. In the air I saw an open thread to cut the demon's neck!
This was my first time encountering a lower Moon,but I did hear a lot about them. As I saw an open thread I decided to go for it

,, Concentration breathing
                     sixth form
   Silver Moon clap "

And in a less of a second,the demon's head was cut off. Falling on the grass while constantly cursing at me. Unfortunately as I struck the demon with my hit,it striked it back! Leaving a even bigger cut on my shoulder, as if it was almost falling off. The last thing I remember was me hitting a big, wait acctualy....I remember someone or something caught me in mid-air! It was definitely a someone,as I looked up I saw a guy with messy Raven hair...could it be?

Then I remember just loosing counciousnes.

I woke up in an unknown room. Bandaged up,and not even wearing my haori. This was definitely not Urokudaki's house.

I tried standing up,I could barely stand on my feet, was I really hurt that badly?

I could defenetly hear someone outside. It was not a safe place,rather unfamiliar and possibly dangerous!
I took my haori,and my katana and started walking while leaning on it a little bit from time to time. I rushed outside wasn't easy.
I could feel big pressure on my chest,making it harder to control my breathing. I got to a big door and kicked it open causing me to fall on the grass outside. I looked up from the ground, I was in a beautiful garden like yard. As I noticed weird faces looking at me with surprises. I was still on the ground.

,,You woke up!" a girl with some type of butterfly haori said.

I didn't even know these people, tough they seemed familiar. But I couldn't trust them. Or anyone.

Opposites attract 🌊💕Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz