Chapter 4

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When I woke up the next morning,Urokudaki was already waiting for me at the kitchen.

,,All ready to go?" he asked

I was litteraly half asleep, I thought he was a gremlin with that mask for a second. How the fuck could I be ready?!

,,I just need to change meet you outside!" I said with a little smile even tho I could barely see. He nodded in response. As I walked out of the house he said something very suspirisng.

,,I can't train you anymore Y/n"

What?!? Was I that bad?! I can't believe this. I thought I started to improve and now...he is just giving up on me. Urokudaki sensei seemed to notice my sadness. As if he could read minds.

,,I didn't say that in a bad way,you should be happy you made it this far! I am not letting you go because you are too bad. In two days you will be going to the final selection..."

I was shocked. I am going to final selection?!?! I was so happy! I couldn't believe it! Urokudaki seemed happy for me..but at the same time worried.
Was Final selection that hard???
I mean if he was worried then it must be hell there.

,,B-but what do I do after the final selection?"
,,Then you will become an official demon slayer.

A Mizunoto to be specific." He answered.
Mizunotos were the lowest ranked Demon Slayers. And correct me if I am worng,but the strongest ones are called the Hashiras? It doesn't matter. I was going to ask a bunch of questions,but was cut off by Urokudaki:

,,Now come, these two days we will rewind all of the stuff you learned. We don't have much time so let's start as soon as we get to the mountain.
I nodded back in response.

Those two days weren't that hard,we just did all the stuff he taught me but on a harder level, it was exhausting but worth it. I do have to give it my all on the selection.

When the day finally came, Urokudaki woke me up super early to get ready. I quickly got dressed,we had food and he even packed me some for the trip. I stood there infront of the house while waiting for Urokudaki to say my last goodbye before leaving. I just taught about life... I mean  none of this would've happened if it wasn't for Giyuu... I wonder what happened to him.

,,You ready?" Urokudaki asked.

,,Yeah, I am just a little nervous. Is it that hard?"

,,Listen Y/n it depends on the people. It depends on you. I know you are ready,but me believing in you doesn't help at all. You need to believe I yourself. Now go...please come back safely my child...

,,Goodbye Urokudaki san! Thank you for everything! I will never forget it. And I promise I will come back!!!"

I started running down the hill while repeatedly looking back to see him waving at me. I was touched by Urokudaki-san's words almost dropped a few tears... But I had to keep running! After running a couple of miles I came to a place with beautiful trees with purple flowers. Wisteria trees! They are suppose to keep demon away but it seems like I don't have a reaction to it, which is good! I saw a lot of people acctualy just talking. Looks like this is going to be easier now,with much more slayers,more demons will be slayed! And more of us will survive!
Suddenly two little girls walked up some little statues and started talking. They explained to us the rules. We need to survive seven days in here. The demons here are trapped inside the Wistera park I quess? So they can't leave,or more demons can't come in. Surviving here for 7 days?! I thought it was only for one day! But I guess nothing could be changed now,and I am a half demon so this is gonna be a little easier! It soon got dark,the girls who looked like twins wished us luck and then just left. I decided to go West,since the sun rises in that side so If I am fighting a demon it will encounter the sunlight faster! And so I did.

The final selection was easier than I thought! I have stumbled upon alot of ,,minner demons" which weren't that hard. I was running through the forest looking for demons,until I heard screams. I quickly rushed to the place where I heared them from, and saw a horrifying sight.

It was a huge morfed demon holding someone's head in one hand while chasing after another slayer. I couldn't just stand there watching. I ran up and jumped Infront of the person blocking the demon's attacks. The demon was hideous. Not going to lie about it. He kept regenerating more arms,and seemed like he was gaining more speed by every attack I made. I had enough of it. Urokudaki san told that I would cross pathts with different demons. For example morfed demons,which I was dealing with right now. But I couldn't keep doing this forever.

I jumped onto the demon's arm running to his face to get close to his weak spots. The neck to be more specific. He grew even more hands from one hand,they were all going after me. No matter how many I cut more would always regenerate. I jumped above his head. To see an open thread. I decided to go for it!

[Frost breathing third form.
The heavy blizzard.]

And with a blink of an eye,the demon's head was on the grass.
I did hear the demon curse at me,but who was I to judge? I watched him burn as the sun rises.
Atleast he won't hurt anyone anymore.... I thought to myself.

While going back to the Wisteria park I realized... wow I really did it... I passed the Final selection! I can become a Demon Slayer now! I can go home to Urokudaki san! I can see Giyuu again! Or atleast I hope.

When I got back to the park,where there was around 40 people when I first came,now there were like 5 of them standing.. I couldn't believe it,I didn't even see the guy I saved yesterday. Suddenly the twin girls came up to us. Every single,thing they did at the exact same time, talk,walk,move.

,,We are thrilled that there are some of you that survived. Unfortunately we do not see many faces that were here at the beginning. But to the six of you congratulations! You have made it pass the final selection.

Welcome to the Demon Slayer corpses!

I can be a real slayer now... Wow.. I did it! If I wasn't s demon I don't think I would've even survived.

,,Now children,you will be reciving a special sword in a couple of days, the sword once encountered with its owner will change to a specific color. That color will show your true strenght that you can control.
Now you will have to choose an oure for your swords. Everything will arrive in a few days. And also..."

The girl clapped and suddenly there were crows landing on our shoulders. I am guessing these were our Mail-crows. To send information or something like that.
We came up to the table where they revealed alot of rocks on the table. Or should I say our orbes?

When it was choosing time none particular caught my eye,I just wanted to get this over with so I can come back home to Urokudaki sooner! I looked at the table and saw a little shinny orb. It was the only shinny one I would say so I just choose that one. With the same respones,the girls said that it will come within the days. I nooded back in respons. We all said our goodbyes and headed our own ways. I runned as fast as I could go get back to the house and see Urokudaki san! I honestly thought that he wouldn't be awake,it was like really late. I couldn't run anymore. My body was already exhausted,even walking was hard,a few of my wounds healed quicker but the pain was still there. I fell into the ground right Infront of the little house. And to my suprise, Urokudaki san was awake!! He was getting woods for the cabin I suppose. When he saw me he ran up to me and hugged me. He really was the father I never had.

,,Thank your for coming back my child, I knew you could do it."

I let out a few tears,happy to finally be able to relax. But that is the last thing I remember from that night. The next morning Urokudaki san told me that I feel asleep at that moment. I chuckled heh... But now atleast it was over... And a new chapter was just about to begin!

Hi y'all! Merry Christmas!!🥳🎉💞💕🌊❤️💫💞💥🥳💫💞 And I just wanted to say thank you for the reads I can't believe someone acctualy read this but have a nice Christmas evening! >:3

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