Chapter 7

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I didn't sleep at night. At all. I had too much stuff to worry about.
FOR EXAMPLE I was carrying lives of two people,I was barely alive,and everyone hated me. Well,not everyone acctualy.
I was still in the care center, and my main nurse was Shinobu. Just my luck! Well atleast when she would come to my room and give me medicine and stuff we would only talk about my condition and stuff.
I was visited by Mitsuri daily! So that was a relief. She even made another Hashira to be on my side! Well forced him acctualy-
It was the Snake Hashira Obanai Iguro.

I would watch the Hashiras train through my window daily. I can't wait till I am able to swing my katana again! Since I was a half demon my wounds were recovering faster.

It was fun to watch their trainings. They were really fast and agile.
Giyuu was definitely one of the faster ones. I would see him practice with the white haired jerk sometimes,but with the other Hashiras too. Every time he would notice me looking he would wave at me,and I would smile and wave back. And that happened daily. It was usual and it warmed up my heart. He always had that emotionless face on. But I knew he was smiling on the inside!
He was always busy,so I didn't see him much but that was alright!

My condition was getting better and better everyday. Shinobu said I would be fully able to train in two weeks or even earlier! I was so happy!

Every day would go the same,Mitsuri and Obanai visiting,to waving at Giyuu, seeing them train, Shinobu's hospital stuff...

One night... I was so bored I decided to leave the care center just for a little walk. I mean a little walk couldn't hurt!
I got up from my bed, and I could walk a little easier now.

I wandered around the head quarters a little bit,until I suddenly encountered a hashira training,or just them hanging out? I wasn't sure but I didn't want to interrupt,but I still wanted to see. I hid behind a wall with just my head peeking.

They were sparing. It was really cool to watch honestly! I mean some of them were fighting,some were just chatting,some were eating. It looked like a really cool hangout. I was looking at them,amazed until Shinobu said.

,,There is someone here..."

Everyone looked at her,as just then I heard Mitsuri scream.

,,Oh hey Y/n! Come over here!"

Really Mitsuri....why...just why now...

I was embarrassed... I was deciding weather to run or to just come out.

I was thinking only Mitsuri saw me,so I just slowly turned around and started walking away,I mean I obviously couldn't run.

As I slowly walked away Giyuu litteraly jumped Infront of me from above.
I bumped right into him.
That really scared me for god sakes.
He looked down at me,with a serious face. He always had to look down,like was I that short smh. He started going towards me as I was just backing away. And then I realized he just cornered me in the center of where they all were. Well this is just amazing.

,,What are you doing here?" Giyuu asked.

The other Hashiras looked at me like I killed their whole family. I knew this was my end. I didn't think I would die like this.

,,Well I- uh saw you guys, and I- just wanted to um well see?"
They all looked at me with suspicious faces. Wow these people were good.

,,Okay okay fine,I was bored at my room,so I wanted to go for a walk and as I was walking I saw you guys and wanted to check it out and here I am"

Giyuu looked at me from above like it was nothing new. Like it was just something normal.

,,You should be resting" Shinobu said.

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