Chapter 8

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A few weeks have passed from that day and I still haven't got up from bed.
Shinobu litteraly put guards Infront of my room,well to be specific she would tell the other girls who worked there to always check on me. Like I was a godamn child. It was annoying to not be able to move from my room,but she was the doctor.
I didn't have a headache anymore,and I could walk better,without holding onto my katana.

One day Shinobu said that I would be out for a few days, I was the happiest person alive! Thank god I was soon leaving this place.

A day before I was able to leave the hospital,I decided to go for a walk.
But I didn't know how to walk past the ,,guards".
There is only one way to escape without anyone noticing... The window!
There was a window above my bed,big enough for me to crawl through.

At night,as soon as one girl left my room I jumped onto my cupboard,and caught onto the top part of the window,pushed my legs through it first and then jumped outside, landing perfectly on my feet,and it didn't even hurt!

I ran out of the care centers area,and continued walking away from it.
I was hoping to see the Hashiras again tonight, I mean I would sometimes hear them at night. To my surprise,they were in the same spot as  the first time I encountered them. I spotted Mitsuri, Shunobu and Muchiro on the roof.
I wanted to scare them from behind, but I think Muchiro was sleeping.

I creeped up behind the walls,and as I was ready to jump on the roof, a few meeters above the ground in mid air, I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist holding tight. Who caught me in mid fucking air? And of course it was none other than my Giyuu...I mean Giyuu-

,,Hello" he whispered as I felt his warm breath on my neck. This was the closest we have been before...

I just started squirming around and waving my fists to get away from him,but he still had his hands around me.

,,Let me go!" I whispered to him.

,,You should be resting"

I just continued squirming around and waving my fists in the air trying to push him away from me, but he was too strong. Even though I was trying to push him away,it felt nice in his arms,it was warm and nice,no matter his cold gaze.

,,You are lucky I found you,if it was any other you would be-"

He stopped talking and just looked at me. Until Shinobu noticed us.

,,Ara ara Tomioka san,what do you have there?"

,,An intruder" he said calmly while carrying me to the Hashiras. This was so embarrassing I wanted to kill him.

,,Y/n?! How did you escape from the center?!" Shinobu yelled surprised.

I just nervously smiled at her.
,,Well you see... the windows in my room-"

,,Okay okay I see where you are going, you couldn't wait another day to leave could you?"

,,Nope" I smiled as we both laughed.

,,Okay okay now get up here if you can" she smirked at me.

,,Bet" I said and jumped above Giyuu, and onto the roof. I ran across the roof just to get to them.

,,Alright I see you are already better"

I just smirked at Shinobu sticking my tongue out at her. We acctualy had fun the rest of the night!
We talked and talked,I saw some of them spair,and Rengoku the flame Hashira did an amazing trick with fire,where he was litteraly tossing fire around his arms. It was cool but scary at the same time!

It was around midnight and we were still talking. It was snowing from the sky,it was beautiful!
Suddenly I jumped from the roof and jumped into the snow just to feel it's softness. As I started making qa snow angel in it!

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