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Hannah groaned to herself as she sat in the car. She rubbed the back of her neck and groaned

"Tom, wake up" Hannah said as she tried to wake him. He was passed out and he looked to not be breathing. Hannah felt the tears roll down her face as she looked to see paramedics as they ran over

"miss are you okay?"

"I think so we were on our way to the hospital I was bleeding and I don't think hes breathing. His name is Tom and he won't wake up" Hannah said

"what's your name?" The paramedic asked


"Hannah were going to do all we can to help you okay" the paramedic said. Hannah wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked to Tom as a tube was placed down his throat.

He groaned as he started to breathe again as Hannah sighed in relief. She was glad that he was okay.

She was scared they she was going to lose Tom and she was glad that he was okay and she knew that depots how much she hated him she had never been so thankful and it made her feel confused over everything with her and Tom

Hannah sat on the hospital and looked as Megan walked into the room and walked over to her and smiled

"are you okay" Megan asked as she hugged her best friend. Megan looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. I'm shaken but I just want to know how Tom is. He almost died next to me, he even stopped breathing and i was so scared" Hannah said as Megan looked to her and smiled

"he is okay. He's in the best place possible. Josh is here and he wants to talk to you. He's behind the crash" Megan said as josh walked in

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do this. I was angry at my dad and I thought that he was going to send me away and I couldn't deal with it. There's no excuse I know but I didn't want to hurt him or you or the baby" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"it's okay josh. I know you didn't mean to. Tom only drove as I was bleeding. It's okay,
you didn't mean to do it. You weren't to know and your dad is going to be okay. He has to be" Hannah said. Hannah didn't know if she was trying to convince josh or herself

Hannah walked into toms hospital room and smiled. She took a hold of his hand and smiled

"the baby" he asked as Hannah smiled

"she's fine. She's a fighter like her dad and your okay. I thought you were going to die and I couldn't cope" Hannah said as Tom smiled

"I'm going no where" he said as Hannah smiled. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled as she looked to him

"let's do it, try again. You and me" Hannah said as Tom smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"one last chance" he said as Hannah smiled. But after everything could they make it work?

My baby girl *Waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now