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Hannah sat in her hospital bed and smiled as she sat holding her baby, she looked as the door opened as Tom walked in and smiled, he walked over to hannah as he leant in and kissed her

"how are my girls" he asked as hannah looked to him and smiled

"we are fine. Things are hard and that and I have just given birth and feel like I have been hit by a bus but I am fine" hannah said as Tom smiled. He sat on the seat next to her bed and smiled

"I know how things are but we created her, the most beautiful baby and she's worth it and we are going to make this work and I know its hard but we can do this. I believe we can. I just want you to know I am here and you are not alone" Tom said as hannah smiled

"I appreciate it Tom I do and I have been thinking over names and what If we call her Lexie" hannah said as Tom looked to her and then to the baby and smiled

"Lexie..I like it I do. It's all going to be okay. I know its hard but we can do this, I know that we can" Tom said as hannah looked to him and smiled. Hannah knew that he was right

Hannah smiled as Megan walked into the room and looked to her and smiled

"hey how are you doing" Megan asked as hannah looked to her best friend and smiled

"I'm okay, I am tired and a lot has happened but I am okay. I just want to make things work" hannah said as Megan smiled

"and you will, I mean you have just had a baby, you are tired and hormonal and it's natural to be scared over it all. But I do think that you will be a good mum. You need to believe in yourself that's all" Megan said as hannah looked to her and smiled.

Hannah knew how Megan was right and how she wasn't thinking straight. Hannah knew that she was scared to be Lexie mum and part of her felt lie she would fail but she knew it was natural and how she had to try her best and believe herself as she knew that the hormones of it all wouldn't help at all.

Hannah was scared but she knew that she would and could only do her best and she knew that she had Tom and that she wasn't alone in any of this at all. Hannah was trying her best

Hannah walked out of her hospital room as she looked to find Tom. She saw him as he was on the phone. He was acting secretive

"hey can you watch Lexie I want to try have a shower" hannah said as Tom smiled

"of course" Tom said as hannah frowned.

Hannah was worried over him and how distant that he was being,she didn't know what it was, it I was her hormones all over the place or she was being paranoid but hannah felt as if Tom was hiding something and she hoped that wasnt what it was but did hannah have a right to be worried over how Tom was acting?

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