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Hannah sat in her flat. It had been a few days since the crash and she was getting her rest, she sat on the sofa as she heard a knock at the door and stood up.

She walked to the door and smiled as she stood up and answered it as she saw Tom

"what are you doing here" she asked as he looked to her and chuckled

"charming" he said

"I didn't mean it that way, I meant that you should be resting and so should I" Hannah said as she sat back on the sofa as Tom sat with her and smiled

"well maybe we should rest together" he said smirking as Hannah looked to him and chuckled

"your version of resting is, us in bed together" Hannah said as Tom smirked

"it's not a bad idea" he said as she chuckled

"I'm six months pregnant, I can't lie in bed all day besides I have pizza on the way" Hannah said as Tom smiled

"well maybe I can stay here with you, I do want is to try again and I know this pregnancy hasn't been easy but I know I put you under a lot of stress but I promise from now on it's going to be okay" Tom said as Hannah looked to him for a moment and smiled as she leant in and kissed him as he pulled her close as they kissed passionately

Hannah smiled as she walked into the cafe and met with Megan, Hannah knew that she needed to get out of her flat, she ordered herself a drink as she sat with Megan and frowned as she looked to her best friend

"are you okay" Hannah asked

"max and I had a fight and he stormed off and I don't know what to do, it's all a mess" Megan said as Hannah looked or her and smiled

"you and max have always been complicated but you love him and you want to make it work, talk to him and hit it right before you push him away for good and I know your worried over your mum but forget her and focus on you and max" Hannah said as Megan looked to her and nodded

"I know your right it's just...he drives me up the wall sometimes" Megan said as Hannah chuckled as she took a sip of her drink

"and Tom does but I love him despite it all like toy love max. Just talk to him and it will be okay max loves you" Hannah said as Megan looked to her and nodded.

Hannah knew it was all hard right now but she knew that she wanted to make her and Tom work now more than ever before when she was going to have his baby in a matter of months

Hannah got back to her flat and frowned as she saw a candle lit dinner and looked to Tom

"what is this" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I wanted to do sorting special, I know it's been hard but I love you and I want to make this work. To make us work and this is me trying" Tom said as Hannah walked over to him and wrapped her arms his neck as she pulled him close and kissed him

"I love you" she said as he pulled her close and kissed her back

My baby girl *Waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now