Twenty five💋

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Hannah knew how things were going great with her and Tom. They had both decided to wait to try for a baby.

She knew how they had Lexie . They were happy. She felt as though she was finally in a good place.

Lexie was a happy baby. And they had been doing so well in their relationship. She wanted it to last. She knew that while it wasn't always going to be easy, they had to make it work for their little girl.

Hannah was happy too. She knew that all she and Tom had been through. But they had overcome everything. They had made it work.

Hannah had been adamant that things were going to be okay. She just kept believing that things were going to work in her favour.

All that Hannah knew was that her life was finally on the right path. And she was going to keep it that way.

Morning came and she found herself lying in bed with Tom. He looked to her and smiled. "You sleep okay beautiful?" He asked.

"Yeah. I slept like a baby. I have you. And I have Lexie," Hannah said as she kissed him and smiled. "I love you."

Tom smiled and kissed her again. "I love you too. You've given me the best gift. She's changed our lives. And I can't imagine not having her."

Hannah straddled him. She looked down at him. "Well I don't think I can have another just yet. Hurts   too much," she told him as she began grinding against him.

Tom moaned. He knew that Hannah had a way of turning him on. And it made him happy to know that they were incredibly happy together.

Their lips met in a heated and passionate kiss. Tom slid into her. Hannah wrapped her legs around his waist and smiled. "You're fucking amazing babe. I love you."

"I love you too," Hannah moaned as she felt him stretching her out. She loved the fact that even after so long, he still made her moan the way he did. 

After a few moments, they both released their loads. Warren pulled out and kissed her. "You and I.... We're going to make this work. I promise."

"I love you."

The two of them went into work. Tom took Lexie to the crèche while Hannah walked over to Megan who smiled. "Hey. I thought you would be the one taking Lexie to crèche," she said.

"No. Tom figured it would be easier if it was him. That way I don't get emotional taking her in," Hannah told her. 

Megan grinned. She looked to her. "Uh-huh. Do you think you'll have another?" She asked.

Hannah shrugged. "I don't know. I'd like another one. But I'm just not sure if I can go through labour again," she told her.

Tom smiled as Hannah walked into his classroom. Hannah looked to him. "How was she?" She asked as she sat on the desk.

"She was okay. She didn't even bat an eyelid. Was happy to be left playing with the toys," Tom told her.

Hannah nodded and smiled. She knew how she worried about Lexie being in the crèche. But she had no idea how she was going to have to deal with something so much worse.

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