Twenty four 💋

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Hannah stood in front of the mirror as she got ready for work. It was her first day back and she was feeling anxious over it all. Hannah knew that she wanted it to go okay. She wanted to be able to do both. To do her job and go be a good mum to Lexie

Hannah smiled as Tom walked into the room. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close and smiled

"Are you okay" he asked as she smiled

"I'm okay. I am just nervous it's stupid" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"It's not stupid. You have been off for a while and you have a baby it's normal to feel nervous over it but you don't need to be. Your a fantastic teacher and mum and you can do both and remember I am here to help you" Tom said as Hannah turned to face him and smiled.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and leant in and kissed him

"I'm so glad I have you" she said as she kissed him. He looked to her and smiled

"I think I am the lucky one, Lexie has had her breakfast I'm going to change her and where ready to go just about. You have nothing to worry about" tom said as Hannah looked to him and smiled

Hannah walked down into the kitchen and saw Lexie and smiled. She knew how much Lexie had grown already and Hannah knew how nervous that she was over going back to work but she knew how it was something that she had to do

She knew that Lexie would be in the crèche and that she couldn't help but feel anxious over it all. She knew it wasn't going to be easy

Hannah got to work and stood on the staffroom. She looked to see Megan and smiled

"Hey how are you doing" Megan asked as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay. It's just a big deal to come back. I miss her and I know she's fine and at the crèche but the last few months my days have been around her and what she needs and dint get me wrong it's nice to be back over feeds and nappy changes" Hannah said as megan looked to her and smiled

"Your a mum now things will be different and that's fine but it doesn't mean that you can't do both work and a mum. It will take some time to adjust but you will be fine and you have Tom too" megan said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"Yeah I do and it's great" Hannah said. She knew it was going to take some time

Hannah walked into toms classroom as he looked to her and smiled "hey how are you" he said as she sat on the side of his desk and smiled

"I'm okay. I'm good. It's just taking some adjusting I went to see Lexie and she was flat out snoring like her father" she said as he chuckled

"Oh thanks blame me" he said as she smiled

"Oh I will" she said as Tom stood between her legs and smiled

"We're going to be okay i promise" he said as he leant in and kissed her. Hannah looked to him and smiled hoping that he was right as she was happy and she didn't want that to change

My baby girl *Waterloo road*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum