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Hannah hadn't heard from Tom since she had told him that she was pregnant. She was worried about it too. She didn't know what he would choose. She was scared.

When she woke that morning, she got a text from Megan;

I need to see you ASAP. Please - Megan x

Hannah frowned. She knew it was important if Megan was saying please. She quickly got dressed and made her way over to Megan's flat.

Megan opened the door. Hannah sighed. "What's happened?" She asked.

"Don't judge me. Please."

Hannah frowned. "Meg?"

Megan took a deep breath and sighed. "Max. We... we made a sex tape. And now I'm scared cause he has it and what if he shows it someone?" She asked.

Hannah was shocked. She looked at Megan. "Bloody hell. Are you okay?" She asked as she pulled her into a hug.

Megan shook her head. "No. I'm scared. What if my mum sees it? She doesn't know we've been sleeping together. Han. What do I do?" She sobbed.

Hannah could see how upset Megan was. She held her close. "You have to talk to Max. Get him to destroy it."

Hannah took Megan into work and sighed. "Try not to panic babes. Max would risk his own career if he showed anyone. He probably wants to be reminded of how hot you are."

"Please don't tell anyone. I'd be mortified," Megan said.

"I won't babes. I promise."

Hannah looked up as Tom walked in. She smiled. "I haven't heard from you since I told you I was pregnant."

"I know. I've needed some time to adjust to what you told me. I'm going to be a dad. Again."

Hannah nodded. "I know. I've had to adjust. It's been so hard."

Tom smiled. "Do you know what you want to do yet?" He asked.

Hannah shook her head and sighed. "It's all too much of a mess. I wasn't planning on this at all. I don't even know what I want to do yet," she admitted.

Tom nodded. "Let's meet up tonight to talk about it."


Later on that day Hannah walked into the staffroom. She saw Megan sitting up the corner. She was shaking. "What's happened?" She asked.

"Max. He told me someone broke into his house. They took the dvd of us. Someone has it and I'm bricking it. I can't stay here anymore," Megan sobbed.

Hannah was shocked. She looked at Megan and smiled. "It'll all be okay. You don't even know if someone from the school has it. It will all be okay."

Hannah made her way back to her flat. She saw Tom waiting there. "I think I said we needed to talk."

Hannah nodded and smiled. "Let's go inside."

The two of them sat on the sofa. Hannah smiled slightly. "I really don't know what we're going to do. It's so hard knowing that whatever decision we make is going to change our lives."

Tom nodded. "Whatever you decide, I'll support."

"I think I want to keep it."

"Then we'll keep it. We can do this together. I know we can."

Hannah smiled slightly. But could they raise their baby together? Especially when Tom was still seeing someone else?

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