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Hannah sighed to herself as she stood in the bathroom. She looked to the pregnancy test that she had just taken and placed it down. She felt sick, she felt nauseous with fear. She knew what she and Tom had was only sex and nothing more but it scared her. She didn't know what would happen between them if the test was positive. She was scared and she had no idea over what to do. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and sighed as she saw tom was calling her. She couldn't face him right now not when everything relied on the test in front of her. She sighed to herself as she picked up the test and paled as she saw it was positive. Hannah knew that everything had changed and thqt nothing she could do would change it. She didn't know what to do but knew she had to tell him. Somehow

Hannah got to work and stood in the staffroom. She saw tom and lakes slightly knowing that his baby was inside of her and she needed to tell him. He walked over to her and smiled as he looked to her "are you okay?" He asked as Hannah nodded "I'm just feeling off that's all" Hannah lied. She knew that she had to tell Tom to ya she was pregnant but she hadn't quite accepted it herself. Hannah knew that it would only be so long that the truth over her and Tom came out and the truth over their affair and she just was prepared for that yet "I have to go, I'll catch up with you" she said as she walked out of the room and sighed. She was scared and she didn't know what to do. She was terrified and had no idea what to do over having a baby.


Hannah sat in the staffroom and smiled as Megan walked in. Megan looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" Megan asked as Hannah sighed "no, I'm not" she said as Megan sat next to her and smiled "what it is?" Megan asked as Hannah looked to her with tears in her eyes "I messed up and I mean I really messed up. I'm pregnant meg and I don't know what to do. You warned me I was playing with fire and here I am getting burnt. It's all a mess and I don't know what to do" Hannah said as she started to cry as Megan wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled "it's all going to be okay, don't you worry" Megan said


Hannah sat in her classroom and sighed as she ran her hands through her hairs and sighed as Tom walked in. He looked to her and smiled "I know that there is something going on. You can tell me" he said as he walked over to her. She looked to him with tears in her eyes "we messed up big, I'm pregnant Tom" Hannah said as he looked to her and frowned

My baby girl *Waterloo road*Where stories live. Discover now