Breakfast at Tickle Jail

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Jasmine sat up, and she saw a crowd of girls and boys at a wall. There was a time table up. She went over and had a look. It had people's names, and in what category they would be in for today. She scanned over, and eventually found her name in three different ones. First, she had a tickle session on her feet from a guy named "Mr. Johns". Secondly, she had to go get her new uniform from the jail fitted, so no tickles there..  (or so she thought)... and then, it was belly button torture. A rang bell, and apparently it was everyone's cue to go grab some breakfast. Liana motioned Jasmine to come over to her by clicking her fingers. 

"We need to go grab breakfast. Or we don't eat anything else until 1pm." She explained, as we grabbed our grey metal trays and headed down to the breakfast area. There was a big variety.. But it didn't look that great. You had stale cornflakes, sloppy pancakes with honey, bacon and eggs that were burnt... yuck.. A person who seems to work here places two pancakes and tops it up with honey in my plate without me asking. I mouth thank you, and go take a seat, next to Liana and this other girl, Lucy. 

"Who's this, Liana?" She asks, giving me a look that is very unwelcoming. 

"Oh, she's the new girl here. Jasmine is here name" She responds back, more welcoming than Lucy. "She came in for attempting a murder" Liana explains knowing that Lucy would ask about it. I try to be polite, smiling at Lucy. 

"Nice to meet you." I reach out my hand to handshake, but she refuses. Gosh this girl is a brat I think to myself. I start to dig into the pancakes. "Okay, these actually aren't that awful. They aren't the bessstttt but they are nice!" I state with a mouthful of pancakes. Suddenly, Lucy begins laughing. I wonder why she's laughing. Is there pancakes stuck in my teeth? I look at Liana for some help.

"Oh, Jasmine, you haven't gotten the uniform yet. Yeah it covers all your body, but it actually vibrates and has little hands and feather in it that turns on randomly to tickle your body." Liana described. My heart dropped. 

"T-they tickle you?! What but... That's going to be torture! Do y'all ever get a break from tickling?" I wanted to know. 

Liana shakes her head no, while I can still hear Lucy laughing like crazy in the background. "We get one day a year, where we do this thing, called a colour run. You run laps around the oval and get sprayed with paint, but it's not any ordinary one. You're getting tickled while running, and the spray makes you giggle. 

"Wow." I'm surprised as she gives me a background on this whole place. But before I know it, another bell has gone off, and It's time for our sessions...

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