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Okay umm I'm not gonna make this long or whatever but I have sum to show y'all. This is for the people that haven't see the Yt video already.

So I had got back to my house and did all my night stuff blah blah blah. Then I went on my tv and wen to Yt. I wanted to watch Devin's videos since I couldn't yesterday.

I picked one of his videos and watched it. Then I saw Justice videos and so I watched some of his.

Then, when I was looking for another video cause I paused the one I had for Justice....I saw Devenitys Yt videos. So I started looking through them then I see one that had The same ppl from Jr Yt video where the girls ask guys questions but this one was where The guys ask the girls questions.

I clicked on it and as soon as I did.....Derek was like laying down with his legs open and chewing that gum like he was a fucking cow. OOP- excuse my language.

Then somewhat into the video they started making jokes abt Derek and Devenity cause Devenity said that she wasn't having kids so sb made a joke bout No Derek Jr's running around or sum like that ionk I had a lot of stuff on my mind!!

What I really wanted to say is.....When you watch the video...you can tell derek and Devenity was dating or w.e they wanna call it. Derek usually be making jokes and up messing with ppl.

In this video says a lot.... He's being laid back, lays behind Devenity, keeps getting closer to Devenity, and that Gum was making me wanna slap the taste out his mouth🙄.

And they wonder why they arguing like some 5yr olds over a damn tablet😑.

Okay enough of me and imma let y'all watch the video so here ya go and good luck

Now just watch Derek and Devenity throughout the video😃

Anyways, This was a week ago and now they beefing AGAIN but it's not my problem anymore. Being in Derek's fandom is very tiring and I'ma just stick to Mike, Vallyk, and maybe Kobe...idk at this point!!!


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