Chapter 53 💀

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When I heard those words I came back into my physical body and dropped. I passed out.

I woke back up with a major headache. I looked around to see may and June laying on the couch passed out.

I tried to sit up but I couldn't. I tried to move my arms but I couldn't. I lifted my head up and saw that I had restraints on me.

I kept trying to get out or break free until a shadowy figure came into the room.

Shadowy figure "Sweetheart your not getting out"

You "Who are you"

Shadowy figure "Aww babe you don't know who I am"

You "I do just asked who are you does that mean Ik who you are dipshit"

Shadowy Figure "Well I'll show you smartass"

The shadowy figure came clear and it was Kobe.

You "Ouuu it's your bitch ass"

Kobe "No need to be mean"

You "your a dick"

Shadowy figure "No need for name calling mama"

I saw another shadowy figure come beside Kobe. Mama ?

You "Culture"

Culture "Yep"

You "I thought you were dead"

Culture "Nope"

You "Why are you with Kobe"

Culture "Who's gonna tell her"

Kobe "Well you see I'm her father not vallyk"

You "How"

Kobe "well"

You "I got a dna test when I was prego and it father was Vallyk not you"

Kobe "Lies"

You "Your life is a lie"

Kobe "Your funny"

You "Tell me something I don't know"

Kobe "That Mike and zyriana didn't kill your grandmother"

You "Fuck is you talking bout"

Kobe "I killed her"

You "You stupid fuck"

Kobe "Hahahaha"

You "Don't make me do it"

Kobe "do what"

You "call my children 😈"

Kobe "Yea okay"

I took a deep breathe in and I communicated with culture through my head telling her to sneak away or she would die to.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my body. I felt the energy. I opened my eyes. My eyes were white. I let out a loud screeching noise. That's when April did.

Me and April let out a loud screech again. That's when the ground started shaking. We let out one more loud screech. The ground broke apart. All of my children shot straight out of the ground

They was snarling and growling. I let out a loud screech calling someone nobody knew of.

The ground started shaking even more and that's when "They"

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