Chapter 30

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Drake was dressed Nicki was still asleep.
Drake tapped her.

Drake:"Wake Up."
Nicki:"Why Are You Up?! Leave Me The Hell Alone....shit."
Drake:"Guess I'm Not The Only Potty Mouth In This Dorm."
Nicki:"Fuck Y-" she closed her eyes and dozed off.
Drake yelled in her ear, she slapped her.
Drake:"Come On Nicki This Honda Is Waiting On You."
Nicki opened her eyes and jumped out of bed.

Nicki showered quickly and put on a jean jacket, a jean hat,some light colored jeans and a crop top then she put on some light makeup.
Drake groaned as she put on the makeup.

Drake:"You Don't Need It."
Nicki:"Oh Shut The Hell Up You Say This Every Morning."
Drake:"My Point Exactly."
Drake walked by her and picked her up before she grabbed some eyeshadow.
Nicki:"Drake I Need It!!"

Drake:"No You Don't.....Anybody Told You That Your Boyfriend Think Your Beautiful As Fuck So You Don't Need It....Make Up Makes Your Self Esteem Lower. I Know What I'm Talking Bout Because When You Get Older Your Going To Take Of Makeup And Think Your Ugly. Now Lets Go."
Nicki:"How Do You Know That?"
Drake:"I Do Have A Mom...and A Step-Sister."
Drake:"Speaking Of Her...Wanna BabySit?"

Nicki:"YES! Your nieces look like godesses."
Drake:"Like You."
Nicki kissed him as he unlocked the car.
Nicki:"Oh My God....I Could Take Them To Get Their Nails Done, We Could Watch Disney Movies, And Stuff."

Nicki:"Baby...What If We Had A Girl."
Drake:"I Don't Care Long As It's Mine and Looks Like You And Me."
Nicki smile.
Nicki:"Your So Sweet."
Drake:"To You Only."
Nicki:"I Know Cause Your An Asshole To Others."

Drake stopped at the car lot.

Nicki and Him observed the car and paid and Nicki got inside. Her And Drake drove in two different cars home.
When they made it back Drake parked his car and got into Nicki's and they drove to go get his nieces Sade and Spirit.
Sade and Spirit:"Hey Uncle Aubrey."
Drake hugged them and kissed their cheeks.
He got out said bye to his step-sister and so did Nicki. Then he put their bags into the trunk then buckled them up.

Nicki:"How Much Of Your Family Knows Me?"
Drake:"Half Of Them The Ones Who Stick Around."

Sade whispered to Spirit but not quiet enough because Nicki heard it.

Sade:"Spirit....that's Auntie Nicki she's so pretty."
Nicki laughed
Spirit yelled
Nicki:"Yes Spirit."
Spirit:"Sade Thinks Your Pretty!! So Do I."

Sade:"Shut Up You Talk To Much." She Hit Spirit.
Drake and Nicki:"HEY NOW....SADE STOP." They looked at eachother and laughed.
Nicki:"Spirit you calm down also....and thank you both."

Nicki helped Sade And Spirit Get Out Of The Car And Drake Grabbed Their Bags And They Went To The Dorm. They All Stopped To Say Hi To Rih First.

Sade and Spirit:"Uncle Where Do we Sleep?!."
Drake dropped their bags.
Drake:"Where The Hell Do Yall Have In These Bags?!"
Sade:"Clothes Duh ...Uncle Go Back To Class." She filpped her hair.

Drake picked her up and tickled her.
Drake:"You Know What...You Remind Me Of You Ugly Auntie Over There."
Nicki rolled her eyes.
Sade:"No!! Auntie is very pretty.. I don't even know why she wears Make-Up."
Drake:"SOMEBODY UNDERSTANDS....Give me high five."
Sade high fived him.

Nicki took out the air matress from the closet blowed it up and layed it on the floor as it inflated then she put clean sheets and a comforter and four extra pillows on it for them to sleep.
She layed out their clothes on a chair for tonight.

Drake:"Damn...You set up fast."
Nicki:"I do have a little brother....maybe if you stepped your game up."

Sade and Spirit:"KISS! KISS! KISS!!"
Nicki giggled as Drake picked her up and kissed her and she deepend the kiss.
Sade:"When are you going to marry her Uncle!....You know he wants to marry you Auntie he told me and Spirit."
Nicki looked at him and he nodded.
She found herself smiling hard.

Nicki:"Oh My Gosh look at the time."
She jumped out of his arms and set up the bath tub Drake undressed the girls and placed them into the tub Nicki and Drake sat down and watched them untill they were ready to bathe and get out.

Nicki had Spirit and Drake had Sade.
Nicki:"Drake you have to clean her duty too."
Drake:"What The Fuck Is A Duty?" He laughed.

Nicki:"A word for their mhmmmph."
Drake laughed harder.
Drake:"I imagine you with our kids."
Drake:"Yea..two won't hurt...we going to have hella money because we getting alot acting right now but that goes to our dorms because we told Momma it's okay."
Nicki pecked his lips.

Nicki:"How bout Audrey if its a girl."
Drake:"Hell No that's hella boring."
Sade:"Name Her JADE!"
Spirit:"AND Ava because Aubrey."
Nicki:"That Ain't Bad."
Drake:"Not At All."
Drake grabbed two dry towels and gave Nicki one and they dried off the two put on their clothes and went to bed.

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