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                                                                               (Hannah's P.O.V.)

"Your alarm has been going off for 10 minutes"  Gazz said in an almost teasing way. I looked up at my phone it said it was 6:47 am. " My alarm has been going off for 2 minutes." I deflected  the comment that Gazz made, back at him.

 Gazz flies a way from me with his arms crossed he huffed. " I only meant it as a joke." I smiled and patted him on the head. "Of course I knew it was a joke. You did me a scare at first though. I thought I was going to be late for school " Gazz smiled and uncrossed his arms to give my a hug on the cheek. Gazz has always been a prankster ever since I met him.

 I looked back at my phone and I was shocked to know that it was 7:00 am.
"Is it really 7:00 am?" I questioned Gazz. He responded with a simple answer "Yes it is Hannah."  With a shocked expression on my face I started to get changed into a red and black under armour hoodie with a pair of black jeans. 

I ran out the door so fast that I banged my shoulder into the wall outside my bedroom

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I ran out the door so fast that I banged my shoulder into the wall outside my bedroom. "Ouch! why am I so clumsy!" I huffed to Gazz making sure that my parents can't hear my comment. "Are you ready for the walk to school?" Gazz whispered in my ear so that nobody else can hear him. "All I need to do is pack my bag, brush my hair and teeth, Put my jacket on and go out the door so I can go to school." I whispered back at Gaz. I gave out a sigh. "I don't like school" I sighed. 

"When I last had an owner the Internet was never even a thought. People wrote with parchment and quill. That was around 200 years ago." Gazz answered. "Wow you are way older than I am. I'm only 14 and your 200+ years old." I exclaimed in a slightly excited and slightly jealous tone. 

 "I'm all ready to go walk to school. You ready Gaz?" I whispered to him and the winked. Gaz nodded his head in agreement. We both started off walking to school. Gaz is in my hood talking to me. It's about a 10 minute walk to school. Since my parents are both working I have to walk alone. I have always walked alone since I first moved to Paris. "At least this walk isn't as boring as it was before I got you." I told Gazz. He is sleeping so I got no response. "You always sleep all day. when I'm awake you sleeping. When I'm trying to sleep you are super hyper." I thought to myself.

I finally after what felt like 20 minutes I reached Francois Dupont Highschool. Marinette is walking towards me with a worried expression her face that turned to relief. "Where were you!?" Marinette wondered. "Sorry for making you worry. I woke us late. You know how clumsy I am." I told her. " Good thing your here. Alya, Nino, Adrien, Daniela, me and you are all going to have a picnic after school." Marinette smiled. "How come I heard of this now and not yesterday?" I questioned. "I wanted it to be a surprise for you guys because I wanted to have time to have fun out of school hours." Marinette added. "Good,  I don't like school that much. That will keep my mind off school work." I informed.

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