Chapter 2: The Picnic That Went Wrong

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(Daniela's P.O.V)

I woke up to my alarm on my phone at 7:30 am. "Good morning Plagg." I said still a little woozy from just waking up. Plagg was eating his favourite cheese. Camembert. "Good morning Daniela, I was going to eat this delicious piece of camembert... " Plagg shoved the piece of camembert in his mouth before he can finish the sentence. I looked at him with disgust. "Why are you always eating the smelliest cheese? I have to smell like camembert 27/7." "I don't see it as a bad thing." Plagg claimed.

I got into my favourite outfit. A grey crop top, a red and blue plaid dress shirt, some black pants and a pair of white sneakers.

My phone buzzed in my hand

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My phone buzzed in my hand. I just received a text from someone. "Who could that be? " I pondered before I opened my phone. The text was from Marinette. "I wonder why she decided to text me?" I asked Plagg if he had anything to do with this. He shook his head, then continued munching his cheese. I opened the text from Marinette. It was about a picnic that she was hosting. The text said. "I thought of an idea of having a picnic, to relax from a stressful school day. Meet me at 5 in front of the school. It will be at the Seine river. Alya, Nino, Adrien, Hannah, You and me are are coming to the picnic. Don't tell Hannah, it's a surprise for her."

"Why don't I get a picnic that is a surprise for me." I complained. "Complaining will not solve any problems Daniela." Plagg genially cared for once. "I never relied you cared for something other than Camembert!" Daniela told plagg in a surprised tone. "I have other things that I care about other than cheese. I care about you." Plagg restated the comment that she made. "That's sweet of you to say." I beamed. Plagg smiled back at me.

I packed my bag with everything I need. Brushed my hair and put my hair into a pony tail. Brushed my teeth. I put my jacket on and when into the car to school.

When I got out of the car, Alya was waving to me. I waved back and started to head over in her direction. "Did you get the text?" Alya asked. I nodded. "Good. Marinette is bringing the snacks from the bakery." Alya continued. I can't wait to sink my teeth into a chocolate filled croissant and some cookies. "I heard that her bakery is the best in Paris!" I exclaimed.

I looked at my phone and then looked out to search for Hannah's silhouette in the distance but, no luck. Hannah is late almost every day, so I'm not surprised that she isn't here. Alya and I started to head inside to chat with Nino and Marinette. I thought I saw someone behind me but it was just my shadow.

Marinette left to go outside the building because she just received a text from Hannah that she was here. We all heard the bell rang to start school. We walked to our lockers to get the required school supplies for Ms. Mendeleiev's science class.


"The day flew by!" I exclaimed. Hannah gave Daniela a confused look and told her "I don't know what the whole lesson on archimedes principle is about. The whole science lesson was so confusing." I shrugged. "Maybe if you listen to the lessons instead of daydreaming, you would know more." I smirked. "I don't like school and science is boring. The only good classes are gym and Mrs.. Busier's class." Hannah muttered just loud enough so only I could hear her.

"You busy tonight? I need some help understanding the concept of the science lesson." Hannah pleaded. I shook my head in disagreement. "I want you to come here at 5:00 pm. It's a secret." Hannah raised her right eyebrow and nodded once.

(Time skip to the picnic)

Hannah was waiting in front of the school as I told her to. "Why did you want to see me Dani?" Hannah questioned. "It's a secret. You are going to love it!" I squealed. "I have to cover your eyes the entire time. Is that ok with you?" Daniela asked. Hannah's cheeks lit up to a light shade of pink. "Y-yeah that would be f-fine." Hannah stuttered the last part of the sentence.

Daniela took Hannah's arm and making sure that she didn't trip over anything. When they both arrived at the Seine river they both were surprised. The river side was decorated by a red and white blanket. There was lights strung on the trees. Marinette was sitting on the blanket chatting with Alya. Nino was chatting with Adrien. "I can't believe Adrien's dad let him go!" Hannah excitedly told me. "I never realized that Adrien was isolated from people that often. I feel sad for him." I bewailed.

"Everyone here now! Perfect!" Marinette excitedly said. "Did you guys know about this?" Hannah questioned. "Everyone was informed about all the details by Marinette." I smiled. "This was a surprise for you. We all needed some time to relax and live it up a little from our time at school." Nino chimed in.

"Phones and electronics go into the picnic basket." Hannah ordered in a polite manner. "Why do we need our devices in the bag?" I raised an eyebrow. "I want to talk to you guys without any distractions interfering our conversation." Hannah explained. "Dude, the reason we are here having a picnic is to chat and relax." Nino answered her. Everyone put their phones in the basket. Nino even puts his headphones in the basket as well.

"Hey Alya, can we talk privately closer to the river?" Hannah asked. "Sure. What do you want to talk t..." Alya didn't finish her sentence because Hannah pushed Alya into the river. I heard Alya say "Why would you do that Hannah!?" I wanted in on the fun. So I decided to punch Hannah into the water for payback from punching Alya into the water. Nino jumped in next to me, resulting in getting my pants wet. Adrien shoved me into the water. I didn't expect it from him to jump in the river with me. I thought he was supposed to not be goofing off. If Adrien wants to have fun he can. Hannah splashed me. Marinette was looking at us from dry land. I grabbed her and pulled her in. She was laughing. She splashed me for pulling her into the water. We all started to splash each other and played tag in the water. By the way runningin water is a lot harder than you think. Adrien was the first to get out. He needs to be prepared to face his father when he gets home. Everyone else got out of the water a little while after Adrien got out. We all start eating the baked goods that Marinette and her parents made. We all devoured the baked goods in a matter of minutes. Marinette was surprised that the pastries when that quickly. All of us said our goodbyes and headed home.

This has been the best picnic I've ever went to!

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