Chapter 6: Truth and Lies

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(Daniela's P.O.V.)

"Daniela, hide, don't let it hurt you!!" I heard Hannah say before she hide somewhere far from the Akumatized villain. I hid behind a tree and transformed. "Plagg, Claws Out!"

I found Raccoon Gris a few seconds later, fighting the villain. "Hey m'lady. Your very cat-hletic (athletic)." I joked at Raccoon Gris. She just rolled her eyes and kept fighting. "No time for your puns kitty, we have a villain to fight." Raccoon Gris states through clenched teeth. I nod and join in the battle.

The villain has a purple suit with green sleeves. The gloves he wears are the same shade as the suit. The boots are a light shade of purple, while the rest of the suit is a dark purple, almost black. He has a mirror as a face.

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(Credit goes to: AserehtBlue on reddit for the artwork, name and powers

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(Credit goes to: AserehtBlue on reddit for the artwork, name and powers. )

"My name is Truth and I want to reveal everyone's secrets. Starting with our heroes of Paris." Truth evilly cackled. "I'm thinking that the akuma is in the mirror around his face." Raccoon Gris is very smart and knows how to get out of a catastrophe. "Have any plans m'lady?" Raccoon Gris face palms at my nickname. "Not now kitty. We don't know much about our opponent yet. We don't rush in and make a move. We wait and strategize, that's what you do in chess." Raccoon Gris is looking for a solution, without her Raccoon charm. 'Mbe she is saving the Raccoon charm for later?' I don't really know what is going on in her head.

"Mew know that Mew are very claw-ver, m'lady. So, when are you going to use your Raccoon charm, trash panda?" Raccoon Gris stopped looking for a solution and just stared at me. "When did you come up with that nickname?" I nod and say "Yeah, I did. Trash panda is another way t..." Raccoon Gris cut me off and rolled her eyes. "I know that trash panda is another way to say raccoon. We need to get back to the akumatized villain, not joke around."

"Right, I almost forgot! So, what's your paw-lan?"(Paw-lan = plan if you didn't know.) Raccoon Gris shook her head in disappointment with the cat puns. Raccoon Gris let out a sigh, then told me the plan. "You got it?" I nod and got ready to fight against truth.

"So how do his powers work m'lady?" I ask with uncertainty. "When you look into his mirror it reveals who you truly are. So don't look directly into the mirror." Raccoon Gris commented. I smirked. I got out my baton into my arms in a ready position and leapt onto a house roof. The wind in the air blew my brown hair back. I smile, this is a reason why I love being a superhero.

I stop on a house roof, scanning the surrounding area thoroughly Raccoon Gris moves from roof to roof also scanning the surrounding buildings. "Seriously, how hard is it to find a villain in Paris! He should stand out like a needle in a haystack! Where are you Truth?" I swinked to focus on a figure. I swear I saw something that looks just like him move by the Louvre museum.

"Raccoon Gris! I think I found Truth. He is near the Louvre museum." Raccoon Gris put her hand on my head and ruffled my hair. "Good kitty. Do you know where he was heading?" Raccoon Gris questioned. I pointed towards the Eiffel Tower. We immediately went into a ready position and Raccoon Gris nodded. We both jumped and were heading for Truth at the Eiffel Tower.

We went through a shortcut towards the Eiffel Tower, but we ran into fleeing civilians. Raccoon Gris cuffed her hand around her mouth and yelled. "Everyone calm down we have this situation under control. Feline Nuit and I have this situation under control." I never knew Raccoon Gris has such a loud voice. "Wow. I never knew that mew have such a loud and pawerful voice. It even shocked me."

"Thanks for the compliment kitty, it was greatly appreciated." She was busy signing autographs and talking photos with her fans. She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. I turned my attention away from Raccoon Gris and onto Truth. I motioned my hand to signal that it's time to get going. Raccoon Gris immediately understood and nodded. "Now is not a good time for autographs and photos. We are here because there is an akumatized victim. We kindly ask for you to head indoors immediately." Everyone agreed and headed inside.

"Well, where were we. Ah, yes Truth." I smirked and looked towards the Eiffel Tower. We snuck onto the roofs. We stealthy shuffled closer and closer to the Eiffel Tower.

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