Chapter 3 : Why do I always get in trouble!?

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(Hannah's POV.)

The walk home was cold, slow and miserable. I always wanted to prank somebody. I never relied that it would turn into me also getting wet and all of us in the water at one point. That was the best time I had with my friends ever!

"I got wet as well. I was in your pocket the entire time." Gazz grumped while trying to get dry in a soaking wet pocket. "I didn't know that you were in there. I'm sorry for get you wet." I apologized. Gazz knew that I was sincere and hugged my cheek. " I know it was an accident. You didn't mean it." Gazz smiled. I was taken aback when Gazz hugged me. I went with it and hugged Gazz back. "No matter how many times you mess up I will always be with you. Hannah, you were destined to be Raccoon Gris. Nothing can change that." Gazz shuttered a the feeling of losing me. "I'm not going anywhere. I was picked to have a miraculous for a reason. I failed the first time, but we all make mistakes." I smiled and Gazz did to.

"I need some sleep, it's getting pretty late." I looked at the digital clock on my desk and it showed me that it was almost 8:30. "I should head to bed, but first I to get changed into dry clothes. I stated.

I got changed into a pair of my favorite Pj's. A white pair of bird Pj's with 1 big bird on the top and tons of mini birds on the pants legs.

 A white pair of bird Pj's with 1 big bird on the top and tons of mini birds on the pants legs

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(This is 1 of my favorite pairs of Pj's. This is my original picture.)

My parents are very strict went it come to anything. I always get in trouble for the smallest mistakes I make. ( Kind of like Adrien's dad.) My dad and mom came up the creaky stairs with an angry expression on his face "Where were you, I was looking all over for you." I felt guilty because I forgot to tell my parents were I was. "I was out with some friends enjoying a picnic. I had no idea about it, I swear. My friends told me to meat up at the school and I-I'm sorry for disobeying you d-dad." I managed to get out before I started to tear up.

My life with my parents is hard especially when they want you to be perfect all the time. So that's why I am so fragile when it comes to making a simple mistake. "You are not suppose to go anywhere without either of our consent." My parents said in unison. "I know that you want to keep an eye on me, but I'm 14 now not I'm not 7 anymore. I can handle myself and my actions." I trembled because I remembered what happened when I lied about something small. They took my screens away for the rest of the day.

I don't want to get akumatized because of my parents and their choice of words. I'm lucky that they weren't swearing at me. I'm used to being treated like this but somehow there are so overprotective. "Why are my parents so strict when it comes to my actions? Why can't I do my own things without their approval? It just doesn't make any sense." I shakily shrugged.

"I'll make sure that an akuma will not get me." I sniffed as I wiped the tears off my cheeks. "I will stay strong. After all I am a super heroine." Gazz gave me a warm smile that made me feel better. I started to breathe in and out slowly to calm the emotions. I am easy to break, since my parents are super strict

Being Raccoon Gris has it's drawbacks. I have to lie a lot, I have to keep my identity a secret. I have to skip school so I can save Paris. I especially have to keep my emotions in control because if you don't thing will end up with catastrophic consequences. (Pun intended 😸).


Thank you for reading this chapter of the book. It means a lot to me. Sorry I couldn't post earlier. It takes a while to come up with the plot of the chapter.

Make sure to stay safe


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