Chapter 5. Resolve

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A/N Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your patience while I worked on this. I just needed to get through the holidays before I could focus on anything else. Anyway, just a reminder this story does talk about rape, abuse, mental issues like self hate, etc. Love you all!

Emma POV

Wednesday, Nov. 20th

This time when you woke up you were not alone. Flip was still sitting in the armchair, fast asleep. You felt yourself getting emotional over how thankful you were for this man that you didn't even know. He could have had someone else from the police department stay here over night so he could get some decent sleep, but instead he chose to stay himself.

As you admired him you noticed his hand resting on a handgun that was placed next to his thigh, which reminded you why you were here and why Flip was here.

Flip was here to protect you from a monster, not because he wanted to be here. It was obligation and commitment to his job that brought him here. It was Jax that made the two of you meet under these circumstances.

Your thoughts turned from Flip to Jax. Irritation and anger towards him bubbled up inside of you while you silently cursed him for putting you in this situation. You began to feel suffocated. Through the window, sunlight was shining in on you, making you overheat so you attempted to remove your blanket as well as you were able in your condition but it was still covering your feet and you started getting frustrated at your inability to do simple tasks. Instead, you tried to reach the "call nurse" button but weren't able to. You exhaled in frustration as hot tears formed in the corners of your eyes.

Your movement must have alerted Flip. "What's wrong?" He said groggily.

Turning back towards him you replied. "Well I am hot, I can't get this damn blanket off of me, the sun is blinding me, and I have to freaking pee!"

Flip smiled and suppressed a laugh to which you replied with an annoyed glance. "I'm sorry," he said, still grinning, "I'm just glad to see you have some energy back."

He was right. Although your body still hurt, your head was much more clear. And now that he was awake, so was the comforting affect he had over you. "Thanks," you said in a calmer voice. He turned his attention to your legs, grabbing the blanket and removing it for you. "Thank you," you said again, sheepishly.

His eyes met yours and he gave you a softer smile. Now that it was brighter in here and your vision had cleared up you recognized how handsome Flip really was. His features were striking. Full lips, strong nose, deep hazel eyes that were red from the lack of sleep but still beautiful. You caught yourself staring.

Clearing your throat you broke eye contact and pointed to the remote. "Could you hand that to me?"

"Of course." He moved around the bed instead of leaning over you like he did during the night. You wanted to smell him again to see if it was just your drugged up self imagining things or if he really did smell as good as you remembered.

He placed the remote in your hand, fingertips lightly brushing your palm, causing your chest to expand with excitement. Your eyes quickly met his as he pulled his hand away. Giving you a courteous smile he said, "anything else?"

You shook your head and looked back at the hand he had just touched. You could still feel his touch like his hand was still on yours. It was such a strange sensation to you. You knew what it was to have someone's touch linger on you, especially after what you had previously gone through. You had the bruises to prove that. But his touch was different. It was like positive energy soaking into your skin and spreading over your body.


"Yeah?" You responded while still looking at the your hand.

"What is it?" He asked. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at him. His gaze shifted from your face to your hand and back again.

Saving Emma - A Flip Zimmerman fanficWhere stories live. Discover now