Chapter 3. Colpo di Fulmine

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*Author's note: A quick chapter for the middle of the week. 🥰This is a flashback chapter so make sure you pay attention to the dates at the beginning of each chapter so you know where you're at in the story. All my love!

Flip POV

Tuesday, Nov. 5th

"Yeah man, I'm on my way." You said as you started the ignition to your truck, "I'll be there in 10."

"All right. I'll tell the chief." Chris replied.

You hung up the phone and tossed it onto the passenger seat before pounding your fist on the dash to try and start up the temperamental heater. Warm air started spilling out of the vents for a few seconds before sputtering out of life again.

Chris had told you there was a new missing persons case and the chief wanted you to take a look at it, but after hitting another dead end on a cold case this morning, you were feeling pretty worn out. You just weren't feeling passionate about your job lately.

It's not that you didn't want to help people anymore. That was the best part of the job. Well that, and putting murderers, rapists, and all the other psychotic sons of bitches in prison. But lately you hadn't been able to solve anything and it was really starting to piss you off. You were supposed to be the best detective in Salt Lake. You had worked hard to get that title. Sure, you had hit walls before where it seemed like you wouldn't get anything solved. But you always knew it would get better.

Maybe that is what is different now. You had lost your optimism.

You needed a change. You liked Salt Lake and didn't want to leave. You had a good house, a good job, and the hunting was great. No, you didn't need anything to change, you needed something new.

You sighed as your truck pulled into your usual parking spot at the station. It's times like this when you wish you hadn't stopped smoking. That would take the edge off, or at least warm you up.

You went straight to the conference room and saw Chris waiting for you and the Chief to arrive. "Well hello, Sunshine." Chris said. You flashed him a warning look. "I see the meeting for the cold case went well."

"No-show." You said as you sat down at the table across from Chris

"Hm," Chris responded. He had been your partner now for nearly 2 years. When you took him on as a trainee you quickly grew to like him. He was smart and eager to learn from you. Now he was your closest friend therefore also making him a giant pain in your ass.

"So did Ashley end up coming over last night after I left?" Chris asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah she did."

Ashley was a girl you had dated off and on for 5 months last year until you officially ended things with her. It wasn't a healthy relationship for either of you and you were relieved once it was finally over. But a week ago she showed up at your house drunk, and ended up spending the night. You didn't necessarily enjoy having her around again, but it was a nice distraction at night. So you let her stay over when she wanted, eat your food, boss you around. At least someone was there.

"You know that she is crazy right?" Chris said.

"I can handle myself," you replied defensively while leaning back in the office chair.

"Alright man. All I'm saying is she isn't going to be the one to help you get out of your funk. If anything she's just going to make it worse."

"I don't remember asking for your opinion," you snarled back at him. Chris got the message and stopped berating you over Ashley. He just shrugged and sipped his coffee. Yup, definitely a pain in your ass.

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