Chapter 10. Midway

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A/N: Hello! This chapter starts with a flashback and it might be triggering (physical abuse and trauma) so just be prepared. Much love! ❤️ 


Wednesday, Nov. 7th

Emma's POV

You were startled awake by the trailer door swinging open, effectively allowing a new wave of freezing cold air to smack your partially exposed flesh.

Your captor stepped into the trailer, "hello Emma."

Hello he-demon-limp-dicked-twatfaced-momma's-boy.

That's what you wanted to say, but you settled for saying nothing instead.

He moved around you and walked towards the bedroom portion of the trailer to shuck off his coat and boots. You watched him, not daring to take your eyes away from him for even a second. He hadn't tried anything yet and you kept wondering what he wanted with you. The only times he had touched you were to move you or tie you back up. He did kick you in the jaw once when you were being particularly difficult and refusing to stand for him, but other than that nothing.

So you weren't sure what he wanted. He left you alone often, rarely talked to you, and never tried to force himself on you. It felt like he was just building up. Like at any moment he would explode and do everything you feared he would.

Keeping your eyes on his back you shifted to try and get more comfortable. Your hands were tied to the handle of a drawer, forcing you to be on the cold floor. Even though you were still in your thermal pants and jacket that you wore skiing you were shivering violently. Survival instincts kicked in and you knew this monster was your only way to get what you needed.

"You were gone a long time," you said through chittering teeth.

He turned to look at you, his blue eyes peering into yours.

When he didn't say anything you added as sweetly as possible, "did you accomplish what you needed to?"

"For now," he said, stepping towards the heater. Once it was lit he moved it closer to you. "Here," he said a little softer now.

The warmth made your body shudder as you shifted again to get as close to it as possible.

"Thanks," you said in relief.

He sat down on the bench across from you, watching you without saying anything.

"C-could I have some water?" You asked tentatively.

As stone cold and silent as ever he stood and filled a cup from the tap. The monster held it to your lips as you gulped down as much as you could before he returned to the bench and finished off the drink himself.

Another 5 minutes passed.

Feeling a little stronger now from the heat and water you decided to press him for more information. "What were you doing while you were gone?"

No response.

"Come on. If I am going to be kept up here, freezing and alone, then you can at least tell me about what you're doing or what your plans with me are."

"You're right. You do deserve to know." He stood and smiled, showing all his teeth, eyes lit with excitement. "I'm going to take you somewhere we can finally be together. Just you and me. And that damn detective won't get in our way, not that he will ever find us anyway."

You only really heard the first part of what he said, 'where we can finally be together,' what the hell did that mean? Did he actually want a relationship with you?

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