Chapter 11. Potential

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Emma POV

The past few days were....challenging.

Flip was unintentionally teasing you to the point of insanity. Even the little things set you on fire. Every sigh that escaped his lips created a stir in your core and every kiss he planted to the top of your head was followed by an exhale of breath that sent shivers down your spine.

Every touch, every smile, every kiss, every heavy-lidded glance he threw your way cast another line between the two of you which only made the tension that much tighter. And the nights were just as hard if not harder. Spending that time wrapped in his arms, every sexual scenario you could think of running through your mind wishing that whatever mental force blocked you from indulging your feral fantasies didn't exist.

You didn't know what it was that was holding you back, but there was a pang in your gut that was the only thing stopping you from giving in to every temptation. You still didn't feel like you had won yourself back from all the trauma you endured and there was that piece of you that still needed to be found, that piece that would give you the freedom to move on.

So it was a relief when Flip told you today that you were leaving the house. After being trapped in the house that was suffocating you not only from your trauma but more desperately with unquenched lust for Flip; to say you were excited to get some fresh air would be an understatement. You weren't sure what he had planned but anything to get out of the house would be a good thing, right?


Saturday, Nov. 29th

You really didn't do well with surprises. In fact they usually didn't turn out in your favor most of the time. Curiosity was killing you slowly as you tried to piece together what Flip has planned for you today. You couldn't help but harass him with questions to try and solve the mystery.

"Sooo if it's not about the case then what work related thing do you need me for?" You asked in your most innocent voice possible.

"I never said it was work related."

"Yes you did."

Flip flashed you an unconvinced look, "when."

"We were coming back from St. George." You grinned in victory while watching Flip remember your conversation from earlier that week. "I asked you when you had to go back to work and you told me not until Monday but that you had work related things to do on Saturday."

He grunted and shook his head. You enjoyed bantering like this with him. Like an old couple arguing over the brands of laundry detergent at the grocery store.

"So, where are we going?"

"Alright fine," he looked at you with a hint of excitement. "We're going shooting."

Your face went white, your heart dropping to your gut, "oh." Well, it looks like there is something you would rather stay in the house than do.

You turned your attention to the passing trees as you ascended through the mountains, unsure how to feel. The last experience you had with a gun didn't really make you want to jump back in the saddle and you had no experience to begin with, it was all foreign to you. Flip seemed to sense your sudden change in mood.

"If you really don't want to I won't make you." He gave your knee a reassuring squeeze, "I just think it would be good for you to know how to protect yourself."

Outside of the car the forest opened up to an empty field. "Yeah, you have a point there." He was clearly looking forward to this and you didn't want to disappoint him so you feigned contentment.

Saving Emma - A Flip Zimmerman fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang