Chapter 13. Breakfast

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Emma's POV

Monday, Dec. 1st

You stretched your arms above your head and extended your legs, fully lengthening your body to remove the stiffness from sleep. You slowly opened your eyes to find yourself alone.

Propping yourself up on your elbows you scanned the dark room in search for the large figure that is Flip.


You noticed the bathroom door was a few inches open and light was creeping out from the gap. It wasn't until the water stopped running that you realized it had been on it the first place.

Then you remembered. Flip had to go back to work today.

Huffing in disappointment you sat up and considered burning all of his clothes, or at least hiding them, so he couldn't leave. This would be your first official day without him and you were getting nervous.

Nibbling your lip and looking for a distraction you brought your phone in front of your face.

13 messages from Demi

Demi had clearly stayed up late last night going down a YouTube rabbit hole. You had like 7 videos from her of puppies running around followed by multiple messages saying that she had "puppy fever" and she needed to be talked out of getting another dog.

You typed out a half-hearted response to her but even adorable puppies weren't enough to distract you from trying to reassure yourself that everything would be fine while Flip was gone.

It wouldn't be too long before he was back and at least he will still be with you during the nights which were the hardest. Plus now you can call Demi and let her freak out without Flip hearing it all. You hadn't told her anything that had happened and you were positive you were going to get an ear full because you didn't tell her for 2 days.

Feeling a little better you dropped the phone to the side and looked back towards the bathroom just as something caught your eye.

Through the gap in the door you had a good view of the steamy mirror and your mind started forming images on its own of what he was doing in there.

Your imaginary Flip was drying himself off while hot steam circled around in the air and clung to his skin making it almost shimmer. Wow, you thought, I've watched too many cheesy romance movies.

Shifting slightly to get a better view you waited for the real Flip to reappear. But when he did you had to blink a few times because he was exactly like you imagined.

The warm bathroom light glistened off of his chest while droplets of water dripped from his hair and onto his smooth shoulders. How is it possible for someone to actually look this good in real life? Surely he was just an imaginary perfect being your psychosis created as some sort of trauma response because nothing else made sense.

Admiring his features, now that you weren't distracted underneath him, only made you believe your theory even more. His broad chest, the large biceps that flexed as he ran a towel over his hair, his toned torso which was accented by the V-shaped curve of his hip bones. All so defined yet smooth; comfortable.

That was all you could see of his large, wet body, but it was more than enough to escape all thoughts from your mind. You watched while Flip combed through his hair and brushed his teeth, two tasks that should be mundane but were made sensual by the effects of the morning.

You would have watched him all morning if he didn't have somewhere to be. He disappeared from your view long enough for you to pick your phone back up and pretend you hadn't just been gawking at him for God know's how long.

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