Chapter 7. Safe Haven

204 13 16

Saturday, Nov. 23rd

Flip POV

You sighed as you sat down in the rental car you had picked up earlier today, rubbing the back of your neck.

Knowing that Emma would be released from the hospital soon, you and Chris thought it best to have you drive an unknown car rather than your truck. With the amount of times Jax had sent you letters, or pictures personally it would be surprising if he didn't know what you drove. So, you had one of the part-time sherif's deputies driving your truck back and forth to the station and even staying at your house.

After another infuriatingly unproductive day at the station you were ready to get back to the hospital and see Emma. Chris had been with her all day, but the last 'update text' you got was at 4:36 PM:

"All good here Flip. The doc just checked on her and said she is doing good."

It was 7:40 PM now and you were feeling anxious. Chris usually updated you every hour or so.

You shot him a quick text letting him know you were on your way back to the hospital and decided to send Demi one as well. You thought about calling Demi but decided against it. You felt idiotic from how quickly your mind went to the worst case scenario. She and Emma were probably asleep or watching a show, like they did the past 3 days, nothing to worry about.

You tried distracting yourself by thinking about the new developments in the case. But during the drive your mind shifted once again from trying to decipher Jax's codes and movements to Emma.

Last night you had almost told her how you felt about her. By the way she blushed and stopped talking almost every time you walked in the room you thought she might have felt the same way. But the moment before you were going to admit your feelings you noticed that she looked...scared.

And of course she was. Even if she might like you, the shit she just went through would make anyone weary of new people. So in that moment you decided you would do nothing. If she ever wanted anything more that a friendship you would be there, but for now a friendship will do.

Also, you were already distracted enough as it is.

You need to find Jax.

Starting a new relationship would only mess with your emotions and cloud your judgement more than it already has. So your hope was; if you decide to be just friends with Emma, you could focus more time and energy on the case. Then see what happens after Jax is in prison, rotting away.

You pulled into the parking lot and checked your phone again for any updates.


Throwing off your seatbelt and removing the keys from the ignition you head inside.

You nervously tapped your foot as the elevator moved slowly upwards. With each ding your impatience only grew. You nearly cursed when an old man stopped the elevator's momentum and slowly entered the elevator to join you, just two floors below Emma's.

You knew nothing could have happened to her without your knowledge. You were the lead on her case, plus most of the nurses and doctors who worked on her floor knew her situation. But you couldn't stop your mind from creating a million scenarios, each one worse than the last.

When the elevator doors finally opened to the recovery floor you walked hastily towards Emma's room.

Chris wasn't sitting outside like usual.

With adrenaline pumping through your veins you knocked on the door.

No answer.

Swinging the door open, you stepped inside.

Saving Emma - A Flip Zimmerman fanficWhere stories live. Discover now