Chapter 14. Diversions

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Emma's POV

Monday, Dec. 1st

Muscle memory took over as you went through the motions of washing your hair. While your hands massaged the shampoo into your scalp your thoughts once again turned to Flip.

No matter how hard you tried to avoid thinking of him, you couldn't help it. Now that you had a taste of what it was like with him, your fantasies ran even more rampant than before.

But the thought of Flip between your thighs wasn't the only thing on your mind. A sense of foreboding had settled in your chest the moment you woke up from your unintended, orgasm induced, nap. A sense of foreboding that you thought a cool shower would help wash away.

You tilted your head back, allowing the cool water to rinse the suds down the length of your hair.

You only felt this way because Flip was gone and you had to be alone. He had just left so quickly. Which was fine. You knew he had to leave...obviously. But maybe you should have asked him to stay longer, or come back earlier. No. That wouldn't have made it any better. You needed to learn how to be alone again. Better to do it now rather than later.

Your fingers ran through your hair, combing the conditioner through to the ends.

Still, if you had been able to convince him to stay just a little longer, you wouldn't have this nagging ache in your chest. And maybe the heat between your legs wouldn't be continually reignited and unsatiated.

Glad to see the shower helped, you thought sarcastically as you stepped out onto the rug.

You kept yourself busy throughout the day, anything to keep you from dwelling on the fact that you're alone. So you turned on a "top 100s playlist" and got to work.

You started by unpacking your suitcase, neatly placing your few belongings in the large closet. What you had brought with you barely filled a tenth of the space. It was unsettling to see the nearly empty shelves so you unpacked Flip's things as well, which barely made a difference.

Although, you did notice a small beat of satisfaction over seeing your things next to Flip's; your colorful array next to his plain flannels and dark jeans.

You lunched with Kyle in the kitchen, which brought on a new set of challenges in your effort to avoid thoughts of Flip. By the time you sealed yourself off in your room, your head hurt from the effort. The ache in your chest was begging for recognition and the heat between your legs was desperate to be noticed.

You didn't know what else to do though. Everything was clean, you couldn't leave, and you didn't necessarily want to go downstairs and be around someone that would remind you of everything going on.

Just then your phone went off, ringing aggressively in the bathroom where you had left it. Lifting yourself to sit on the counter, you brought the phone to your face and answered the facetime call from Demi.

"Hey Dem."

"Hey! It's my lunch break and I wanted to check in on you. How are you?"

"I'm fine. A little anxious, but over all, just...restless."

Demi caught on to the smirk pulling at your lips and the insinuating tone of your voice. "Really?" Her eyebrows arched and a wide smile played at her lips. "Still nothing?"

You blushed. Hard. The two of you told each other everything but talking about this stuff came easier to Demi. Meanwhile, whenever you talked about it you sounded like a shy pre-teen who just got her first kiss. "Well..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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