Chapter 9-Being mean

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She was beginning to lose her will to be social. Even though it was so much fun, a perfect day, it was hectic out and she was getting very tired as their time went off. She had squeezed Kevin's hand, pointing over to where Mitch was sitting. When the lead nodded, she went to visit on the chair next to him. She yawned as she laid back, not truly thinking of anything but the noise level. Kirstin was very quiet, and though part of that is being shy, it was mostly her just hating the noise.

"Hey, Kirstie. Have you come to sit with me?"  Mitch smiled, and she nodded, sitting next to him on the beach chair as they were both small for their rank and able to fit. She didn't give any indication of a response, rocking slightly once she sat next to him as the familiar feeling was always calming. Rocking, and shaking her hands had always been her tells she was going to break her composer soon to the nurses at the center she had previously stayed at. It was nice there. She was often left alone for most of the day, which could get lonely, but was still nice.

"You feeling okay, Kirst?" He asked, to which she finally just shrugged. Shrugging was easy, it meant she didn't have to talk. She had resorted to the few calming strategies people had bothered to reach her, but none of them were very good, as they all thought they were treating anxiety, but this wasn't anxiety.

"Do you want to go get some food?" he asked, assuming that she was tired from the rides for a bit. He was hungry anyways and was going to get some food but had to stop when the Omega came over.

She nodded, deciding maybe it would be quieter near the food stands, and hesitantly reached out to clutch his hand tightly. Mitch offered her a smile, and let her practically hang off him so she could stay close on their way over to the food stand.

"What do you want me to get you?" He asked, and she frowned slightly. Her head felt like it was pounding, so she couldn't focus on reading the menu to find something with a texture she liked. That made her settle on just staring at the floor without an answer.

Mitch noticed that she was looking unsure and decided to throw a few things out. "You can get a wrap or there are sandwiches, or we can get a slice of pizza. Anything else will probably ruin your appetite for later." he said, squeezing her hand partly to comfort her and partly to get her attention.

"Sandwich, please." She mumbled, always being quiet, and being especially soft as she didn't feel comfortable here. She really wanted the others to come back so they could go back to the house.

Mitch ordered one ham sandwich, one slice of pepperoni pizza, and two bottles of water, and they quickly headed back over to the chairs.

Kirstie was nervous that the others would be mad at her. She hadn't thought to get them anything until after Mitch had paid and she didn't want to make Avi mad as she had overheard that he can get very mad, and she didn't want Kevin to stop liking her again. She began to scratch at her arms, anxious, and Mitch noticed when she almost dropped her sandwich.

"You not feeling good, hun?" He asked, as she seemed very uncomfortable. She just shrugged, and Mitch sighed.

"Alright, how about we start looking for the others, then we can get ready to go, yeah?" He suggested, and she nodded. Leaving sounded good. She wanted to get out of her cold, wet swimsuit and back into warm clothes, and go somewhere quiet where she might be able to sleep off the tiredness this trip had given her.

She knew this feeling. She'd hit what she referred to as her social limit. She was done being in public and even around her pack, and would do anything for some space and some quiet. She didn't fancy the cramped car back but knew as an Omega she wouldn't get offered the front seat. It made her anxious just thinking about it, and she was nervous that she'd have what she called a Tornado moment, and make her pack mad. 

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