Chapter 14 - Down Day

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Sorry about the lack of updates, everyone. I've been struggling a lot lately.


The morning had been a bit rocky for the pack, Avi deciding not to come down for breakfast due to the way he felt. His hands were shaking slightly, and he just had a feeling he couldn't get angry today, as he didn't think he'd be able to keep it under control, and did it need a repeat of the incident that got him there. His plan was to avoid people when possible today, though it was beginning to seem like that wouldn't be possible.

The pack had been a bit weary when they noticed Kirstie wasn't down, Avi having already texted Kevin to know not to expect him, but Kirstie always came down to eat.

Mitch ended up going upstairs to find Kirstie. He knocked on her door but got no answer, so he decided to open it. She was sat in the corner of her room on the floor, fidgeting with one of the toys Mitch had gotten her rather aggressively. Mitch knew then that she was going to have a tough day too.

"Hi Kitty." he said gently, sitting on the floor by her and opening his arms in case she wanted a quick hug before he took her downstairs. Sometimes it helped her compose herself, sometimes it would just set off a meltdown.

She shook her head, not feeling like being touched just yet, though she knew she may feel like cuddling with him a bit later in the day. She hadn't slept a lot the night before, having a small headache, now she felt bad.

"Are you ready to go downstairs?" Mitch asked, making her whine.

"Have to?" She asked, wondering if one of the Alphas was forcing her to do so. She wanted it to stay quiet, like now, so she could think.

"Yea, sweetie. You didn't eat much dinner so Kevvy made you breakfast." he said gently, sighing when she scrunched her eyes shut, trying to gather the will to stand up. It seemed to work and after she whined, she was able to open her eyes and stand up, following Mitch downstairs. She stopped outside Avi's room, smelling him still in there. Normally he was downstairs eating as soon as food was ready.

"Avi isn't feeling good, so we're letting him stay in his room since he ate last night." Mitch explained, taking her hand to continue downstairs. The Omega frowned, but went along with him.

Truthfully, she didn't feel like eating. She often didn't on her more sensitive days, as eating a texture she did it like could be harder to do than usual.

"Hi, Kirst. Do you want some eggs?" Kevin asked, as that was always a safe food for her. She frowned, shaking her head, as suddenly the thought of eating at all made her stomach flip.

"Can you say something you will eat?" Kevin asked gently, seeing from her tense posture and Mitch's face that the bad day wasn't just for Avi. It was going to be a long day.

She paused, trying to think of something she would be able to eat, but at that moment it all sounded like it would hurt her stomach. "No food?" She asked hopefully, even though she knew he only ever let her skip meals if she was physically too sick to eat.

"Kirst, you don't look ill. Do you feel ill?" he asked, knowing that she'd not actually gotten a bug so far in the pack so he had no idea what she was like when she was actually sick, and wanted to be cautious. It was probably just a bad day, but he had to check.

She shrugged, feeling sick, but knew it wasn't the type of sick he was referring to. She just didn't feel like she could stomach anything, and lowered her head into her hands in exhaustion, groaning slightly.

"Kirstie, sit up for me." Kevin promoted, still attempted to improve a bit of her table manners, as he knew that would be something the council would deduct points from. "Good girl." He praised once she listened to him. "You're not sick, so I need you to eat your eggs for me. You love eggs." He told her, it had always been a food she'd eat, no matter how he cooked it.

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