Chapter 4

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Steve's pov:

** Down in Tulsa on the same day**

I was working in the DX with my best friend, Sodapop. This week has been absolutely crazy for me. My sister called and said she wanted to come down. Now she'll be here on two days. The thing is I don't want to take care of her. I don't want to be responsible. And all these other things are coming to my mind. Now this girl I've never met is affecting my work.

I saw Soda stop working. He crossed his arms and is look in my direction. "Steve what's going on? Your acting not like yourself."

"It's nothing don't worry about it."

He sighs. I hate when he does this. Yes he's my best friend and all but why can't I be left alone.

"Steve you know you can tell me anything."

I sigh, "Fine I have a sister and she's moving down with me."

"What?" And now questions "We need to tell the gang."

"Where not telling the gang shit. Okay? They don't need to be up in my business."

"Okay fine. Whatever." 

I sigh and finish my work. After me and Soda clock out we walk to his house to hang out.

Ray's pov:

After me and Blaze ate we took a walk in the park and then we went home. We walked in the door and we're instantly being yelled at.

"Where were you and Ray what the fuck are you doing out your grounded," Todd yelled

"You never said I was grounded," I said in a sweet and innocent voice.

Steph interrupted us and told Blaze to go to his room. Blaze looked at me with pain in his eyes. He really cares for me and doesn't want me to get hurt. Once he left I started to get worried.

"Why are you acting like a princess?"

"I'm not acting like anything," I'm honestly confused then once he got closer he smelt like beer. I looked a Steph and she had dialated eyes. What the fuck us going on. I was takin out of my thoughts when I felt a slap go across my face. It hurt.

"Did you just fucking slap me?!"

Steph decided to join him, " yes he did honey do you have a problem with it?" She put her hand on my shoulder.

"Actually I do have a problem with it," I pushed her away really forcefully. She grabs my hair and dragged me to the door. I'm use to this. I've been abused by not only them but the kids in my school. That's why I had to stop going to school. People may think I'm tough because I fight back, but afterwards I breakdown. But I honestly just can't understand why I deserve any of this? I wonder if other people have it hard and are abused like me?

"Bitch you don't deserve to be in this house." She grabbed my arms with me fighting and Todd grabbed my legs and they threw me out in the steps in front of the house. And then they closed the door.

    I just sat there with my head in my hands. I got kicked out so I sat there. Blaze will come down soon. I heard the door open, Todd and Steph walked out.

  "Where going out to a party," Steph said.

After a few minutes Blaze came downstairs and opened the door, "Are you okay?"

I shrug. "I'm going to my room I'm tired and tomorrow is going to be a long day. When I go up to my room I put some comfortable clothes on and craddle my pillow. I'm so glad I'm leaving. After a while I fall asleep.

I walked down the hallway in my school. A whole bunch of  kids circle me. The guys had girls watching and laughing. They cheered them on. The guys made fun of me called me names. The started to call me pretty and touch my hair. One of the guys had me up against a locker. My thoughts were where are the teachers? Do they not see this? One of the guys ran his fingers down my side. I kneed him where the sun don't shine. Two guys pinned my hands to the lockers and another guy put his hands up my shirt. I tried to say something but he put his hand on my mouth. I bite him. After that the dragged me to the locker room and put me on those thin small benches. The girls followed. They called me a whore. I didn't want it but they where going to make it seem like I did. The group of boys forcefully but not without a fight made me lay down. Then one boy climbed on top of me and sat on my waist.

I wake up screaming. Blaze is heard running down the hall. He comes into my room. He knows about me dreaming about that day.

"Its just a dream. Are you okay?"

I was still shakey, "yeah I'm just going to get some water."

I walk downstairs and make a glass of water. I go back upstairs. If my aunt and uncle where home they'd just be mad.  I was glad they weren't home. Since I was freaked out and all I stayed up but the thoughts of that day still came.
They all had evil grins and were laughing. I wanted to die at that moment. I was so happy when my principal came in hearing the commotion. And he got everyone of them in the office. Some of the boys and girls got arrested, the others got expelled and suspended. That didn't stop them and the rumors from going around. My cousin was coming to pick me up that day and when he walked into the school. He saw me sitting outside the pricipal office. He felt bad saying it was his fault he didn't come to pick me up sooner.

Since I didn't feel safe after that day I had to switch schools.


  After awhile of thinking and messing around exhustion hit me.

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