Chapter 10

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I woke up this morning and everything that happened yesterday flooded my memory.
I went into the bathroom and washed my face. That woke me up. After what happened yesterday I need to build my walls up. I'm to weak.
When your weak you get hurt. When your not nobody can touch you.
I thought. I walked back into my room and started picking out my clothes for today. I picked a black band tee muscle tank. I had a black bandeu. I wore some black destroyed jeans. There were so many ripped it shows basically my whole leg. Then I put socks and my black and white converse. Since in was a little windy I put on a black sweater thing. It is Tulsa. As for my hair and makeup I straightened my long brown hair. When I did my makeup I put my light foundation and cover up powder, then a lot of black eyeliner it was very dark. The socs call it raccoon eyes. I call it expressing myself. I like raccoons so ha to them. I then put chap stick on and then light pink lip gloss. I always hated having your hair get stuck in it because it's sticky. That's where I learned the trick.
When I was done getting ready I slowly walked down the stairs. I saw my dad passed out on the couch. He was drunk. Anyone that walked into here would've caught that since beer bottles littered the floor. Steve was leaning in the kitchen doorway.
"Goodmorning Stevie."
"Really well whatever gay Ray," he said. He remembered me telling him how my friends called me that. People thought we all where gay but since my name rhymed they called me that.
"I'm getting foooooood," Steve just laughed at my weirdness. He followed me in though. He went to the freezer and grabbed ice cream and ate it out of the carton. I just shock my head. On the other hand I made cherrios with cut bananas in it. I sat at the table and ate it.
"So Ray I have a question?"
"Mhm..." I had food in my mouth and continued to listen.
"Can you come to my fri-" I cut him off.
"Good cause I was going to make you anyways," he said.
"And Jade told me I need to make friends anyways." This was my new start. It was happening today.
I finished eating my food and got up putting it on the sink and rinsing it.
"You ready?" Steve asked.
"Yea." I grabbed my switchblade of the counter. Steve grabbed his.
"Wait switch you have mine," he said.
"Oh." I handed him his and he gave me mine.
We left the house and starting walking.
"How big is your blade?" I asked.
"Ummm six inches. I think."
"Ha mines bigger." Then I laughed realizing what I said. That got Steve to crack a smile.
He said, "Your going to get along with Twobit."
"Who," I said.
"You'll figure it out when we get there."
"Okay..." I said.
"So how big is your switchblade?"
It's hard not to smile when you think dirty about this I then became my usual straight face self and said, "Nine inches."
"Damn girl your crazy."
He stopped. There was a little house in front of us. It was runned down. Where greasers what do you expect. Steve was unlatching the fence I just followed in. There was just a screen door. Steve walked in an I followed behind him. All eyes where on me.
"Hey guys so this is my sister," Steve said.
"Finally it was so hard to not say anything!" This boy with greased brown hair and a plaid shirt said. Steve smiled.
"You've got to be joking Steve have a sister?" This kid with a mickey mouse shirt said.
"I'm kind of right here so its not that hard to believe." I sassed it's my usual self. Steve just looked at me. I'm not a person for good impressions.
"How'd you keep this from us Steve?" The kid in the shirt repeated.
"I just did." He said. I wonder the same. Is he ashamed.
Then guy that had big muscles and a black tee came over and out his hands out. "I'm Darrel. But you can call me Darry. I'm the grown up here."
I shook it but was starring at his muscle there so big. Like holy shit.
"I think she's scared you might sufficate her with your muscles Dar." The boy with the plaid said.
"He looks like he's on testosterone! But actually I could get out if he was suffocating me because you can elbow or knee him on the dick. And I can go limp." They looked at me shooked.
"I'm Sodapop!" The boy with the plaid shirt said. He seemed so bubbly. "That's my best friend I told you about that I work out at the DX with," Steve said. Steve did tell me but I don't remember him telling me names.
"Ummm... I'm Ray." I was akward at conversations.
"That's Ponyboy." The boy Sodapop pointed to kid that looked kind of like the youngest. He looked in shock and a boy next to him that had brown eyes you could fall into putting a hand on his shoulder.
"There's another Steve... Oh god..." He said.
"Your gonna have to deal with it kid," Steve said smiling. Wait. If I remember Steve told me he didn't like one of the kids. Ponyboy... It had to be. He said he was a tag along.
"Dont worry I'm nothing like Steve," the kid let out a sigh, "I'm more of a bitch." His face dropped and I laughed. I saw the guy Darry about to say something but stopped. I'm guess it was probably about my language. But hell I don't care.
"Naw kid it's fine. I'll probably get along with you." He just nodded.
Everybody turned to a kid next to him. The one with the brown eye. "I'm Johnny....," he said.
"Cool. Next boy. I need names before I talk to you." I was like that.
"But your talking to us now."
"Oh really no shit sherlock! I didn't know thanks for the notice."
"I'm Twobit."
I looked at Steve. He looked at me and smiled.
"This is the one you said I'd like?!"
"You both joke around....." He trailed off.
I turned to the rest of the people, "I'm sorry I do take good impressions." I then looked at the only kid that hasn't introduced himself. He was layer back and chill. He stood out from the others. He didn't have greased hair and it was blonde and his blue eye. He had sharp features. Lastly he had that hard cold edge. I know it well. All to well. I have that in common with me.
"You have a name?"
"Yea. I'm Dallas. Dallas Winston."
Dallas Winston. Most peoples face would dropped. Mine didn't.
"I've heard of you before."
"You'be heard of Dally before?" Everyone even Steve said. I ignored them.
"I would've thought with your rep you'd look different. You have a gay fairy look."
His face hardened but stay.
"Whatever you say sweetheart."
"I'm not your sweetheart."
"So how have you heard of me. I know I'm known of but how would you know?"
"Your hears heard about on the streets of New York."
His face dropped, "Your from New York?"
"Yea I'm surprised you didn't recognized your own accent."
"Where from."
"Brooklynn but I was always all over."
"You dig alright," Dallas Winston had just said.
"Ray sit down." I sat down with Steve.
"So why did you come to Tulsa?" Darry asked.
"Well I got into some trouble and this time my aunt and uncle couldn't take it....." I said. That day the hurt me worst then others.
"Oh a trouble maker! Finally" dally had said.
"Wait you didn't tell me this," Steve said.
"Well now you know." There's a lot of reasons why I came down. They won't find out that though.
"How'd you get into trouble?" The young boy Ponyboy asked.
"Me and my friends hang out at hotels a lot instead of being home and we went out and got drunk. Then started walking on the streets so the cops picked up."
"That sounds like Twobit," Sodapop said smiling.
"That's the second time someone said that today."
"Really!" Twobit said. "I feel so loved!"
"Don't get to full of yourself Twobit," my brother said.
"So tell me about yourself guys," I needed to know them.
"What about us!" Twobit said.
"Okay let's play a called three facts."
"Okay," everyone said.
"Darry you go first."
"Ummm I'm the guardian of my brothers Pony and Soda, I used to play football, I roof houses now."
I wonder what happened to there parents? I'll asked Steve later.
"Okay someone else go."
"I'll go!" Twobit said,"I like Mickey Mouse, I tell jokes all the time, and I like school." I hate school. I've never went back since the incident.
"If you can tell jokes tell one."
"Knock Knock," he said.
"Oh no who's there," this is already turning out terrible.
"Dishes who," I said.
"Dishes the police let me in!" He laughed like a hyena. I smiled a light smile but it wasn't that funny.
"Your a tough cookie,"he said.
"Yes yes I am. Who wants to say three facts now."
"Okay I'll go," Sodapop said, "Well I work at the DX, I'm a drop out, and I like drag races."
"Thanks Sodapop now who's next?"
"Umm I'll go. Well I like books and movies, I like sunsets umm and I write."
Everybody looked at Johnny, "I don't know I'm friends with dally and pony I guess." I could tell he was shy and there was more about him but I'm not pushing it.
"Dallas your next."
"Okay I like doing things illegal, I don't like being called Dallas I'm called Dally and I protect Johnny."
"Well what about you Ray you should say three facts," Darry said. There's more than three facts about me but that doesn't matter.
"Um I have three best friends back in New York. I'm younger than Steve. I like music."
"Cool," everyone said.
After that we just talked til it got late. I ate dinner with them. Darrys a pretty good cook. There cake for chocolate cake is pretty good. When it got late Steve and I left and walked home. When I got home I went to bed thinking about my life before I left New York.

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