Chapter 5

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  I woke up to my alarm going off. Today was my last full day in New York. I got up and got changed into clothes I didn't pack. I sighed. I have a lot to do today, say goodbye to all my friends, spend time with Blaze, and go visit all my favorite places.

   I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw Blaze making breakfast.

"Hey Blaze."

"Hey Ray."

"Why are you making breakfast you never make breakfast."

"It's your last day I want to do something special," he smiled a weak smile.

"Thanks but you didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

I smiled and started to set the table for the two of us. By the time I was down setting the table our pancakes were done. While we ate we talked and joked around. Blaze makes me laugh even when I'm sad. After I was done eating I told him I really needed to say goodbye.

      I left and started off to my closest friend Jades house. It wasn't far so I got there quickly. When she opened the door to my surprise Bella and Anna we're already there. Even though school was going on I called Jade and asked her and the rest of them to stay home. I could've said goodbye to them in school but I already enrolled out of it.

"Hey come in, what's going on?"

I walk in and it breaks my heart that I have to do this to them.

"Umm guys I hate to tell you but today is my last day in New York and I came to say goodbye."

"What?," Anna said.

"Why?" Bella asked.

"I'm going to live with my brother in Tulsa."

"Oklahoma right?," Jade asked. Jade always was like a mother to me and the girls. I'm definitely going to miss it. Bella was my friend that could always make us laugh. Anna I always would help she held everything in and acted tough but when she blows its huge.


The all run up to me and hug me. Bella yells, "Group hug! Oh you guys are warm." I laugh.

After the let go I talk, "I'm still going to call you and you guys could come down on break and stuff."

"Awesome," the all said in unison.

"Who's going to be my therapist?" Anna asked.

I looked at Jade. "Go to Jade. She always use to help me."

"What's she help you with?" Bella wiggled her eyebrows. We all laughed knowing what she ment. Even thought dating the same sex was wrong. If you hung out with the four of us, specially when we're at the hotel in the city. You'd think we were all hooking up probably.

"Hey Ray can I talk to you in the kitchen," Jade was being serious. The motherly part is kicking in right now.

Whe walk into the kitchen and I say, "Wha-," I was cut off with her hugging me.

"I just wanted to say I'm glad your getting out of that house it was really tearing you apart."

I nod.

"Oh and I want you to get better there okay?"

"I'll try." I really hope Tulsa will be a new start and maybe I'll be happier. But the key word is I hope.

"Come on."

We walk into the room and my hands are clammy. "Alright."

Bella and Anna look up.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." They knew I had other things to do.

"Make sure you call," Bella said.

"I will."

"Will be down soon okay?"

"Thanks Jade."

Bella decided to make us laugh, "Well I guess this calls for a road trip. I'll be counting down the days saying is it time yet is it time yet." I got what she was saying and laughed. So did Jade and Anna. We gave each other one last hug and then said our goodbyes.


  Now I'm walking in town and looking at all the stores I'm going to miss. Then I went to the one place I looked forward to going. The park. I loved sitting there and getting my thoughts out. It was my comfort place mostly. I sat right in the middle of the park. Not caring that people were looking. I then layed down and looked at the sky. I played there for hours. I finally got up and started back home.

    When I got home I saw the car in the driveway and knew that Todd and Steph were home. When I walked on to my surprise they didn't say anything to I just went right upstairs. I went to the bathroom and then walked into Blazes room. The door was opened but I knocked on the door to get his attention. He was staring at the ceiling but when he heard the knock he sat up.

"Alright it's just me and you to hang out until tomorrow now."

"Lets go downstairs."

"Okay," we both walked downstairs and sat on the couch. When I looked in the kitchen Todd and Steph where gone. They must've left and went out somewhere I thought. We turned a movie on. We didn't even bother making dinner. We just made popcorn and took out a six pack of Pepsi.

    I layed down in Blazes side and he held me. When the first movie was over we put a second movie in. For the rest of the night we watched movies. We laughed. We talked. We just enjoyed ourselves.

   I yawned and realized I was tired. But I wasn't going to bed this moment with Blaze is all I have left. We both eventually fell asleep.

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