Chapter 12

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Everyone was at the Curtis house and we weren't doing anything. Well except watch Mickey Mouse but that's nothing new.
"I'm bored," Sodapop said.
"Welcome to the club." I was so bored. I'm not an easily entertained person.
"Why don't you guys figure out something to do," Darry has suggested.
I thought and than came up with an idea,"How about we all go to the dingo!"
Everyone in the gang agrees. Instead of us all trying to squeeze into Darrys truck we walked. I walks along side of Twobit and Dally. Sodapop and Steve where walking together. Johnny walked next to Dally and Ponyboy walked along side Johnny. Darry walked behind all of us. I'm not sure if he was alone or watching us. You can never tell with Darry.
"Hey Dally you okay you've been pretty quiet?" I am still getting use to not calling him Dallas.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine I just got into a fight with Tim last night so I'm tired."
"I heard about that you and Tim wouldn't go down without a fight," Twobit jumped into the conversation while drinking his beer. He drinks more beer than I do in a year.
When we got into The Dingo and got a big table in the back. A small petit girl came up to our table and everyone went silent. She had blonde hair that went just below her shoulders. And greenish blue eyes. She wore a white headband.
"How about a new waitress so it's not akward," Steve said. What the fuck Steve? That was mean.
The girl replied,"I think that would be for the best."
Once she left I spazzed,"What the fucking hell was that?"
Darry clears his throat, "Language."
"Sorry," I say.
Twobit just looks at the guys.
"That was Twobit ex Kathy," Steve said.
"Okay but you guys where rude."
Twobit jumps in,"We ended on an awkward note."
"She called it off because she needed a break."
"Did you love her?"
"I had a lot of feelings for her."
"That sucks but that was still a asshole move guys."
"Her brother was so greasy he glides. Instead of going to the DX for a oil change he goes to the barber shop." Twobit knows how to joke about every situation. We all laugh.
Another waitress comes over and she's a older last her name tag says manager.
"What would you like?"
"Just all cheeseburgers for us." Darry said. We always did that because it was easier.
"Thats eight right."
"Yes," I said.
"How about drinks?" Most of them got coke. Darry got a coffee.
"What about you three," she asked
"Beer," Twobit said.
"Beer," Dally said.
"Beer please," I said.
"Are you old enough to drink beer?" The waitress asked. Nobody asks that here.
Me being my sarcastic self replied, "Arent you old enough to retire?"
She walked away and the gang all looked at me.
"You think were rude," Steve said. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Nobody asked you a- butt head." Darry and his no swearing thing is annoying. All the boys swear and so does Ponyboy who's the one he wants to set an example for. The waitress brought all of our drinks. Of course out beer bottles weren't opened so I put mine at the edge of the table and popped it opened. The guys looked at me.
"Do you do that a lot?" Dally asked.
"Yes, yes I did. I was a party gal in New York." Steve gave me a look.
"Partier?" Ponyboy asked
"Gal?" Sodapop asked.
"I was being funny saying gal. And yes I party me and my friends went to party's, went to bars, hung out at our guy friends house so I had a lot of experience with opening a beer bottle."
"Everyday I like you more kid." Dally says.
"And everyday I tend to hate you more," I was lying. Me being my sarcastic self though I had to say it. Dally just shrugged.
I was just about to take a sip of my beer when Twobit interrupted me and almost made me spill all over myself. "You wanna do a chugging contest?" He asked.
"Hell ya."
Everybody kind of slid over away from us. It was a small booth so they didn't get far.
"On the count of three," he said, "1."
"2," I said.
"Three," we said that together. He was pretty fast. I wasn't bad but he finished before me. When I got to the last sip I spit the beer all over him since he was sitting across me. Some got on Dally he said,"Are you serious kid."
I just nodded my head and laughed with the others. I got bored so I started bouncing up and down in my spot.
"Why are you hyper?" Steve asked.
"Why are you such a dick!" I crossed my arm and Steve just glares at me. He was cool brother but he has always been a little annoying.
The waitress brought are food over and the guys all dug into the food. I just ate slowly and Steve noticed mouthing me, 'eat'. I nodded and continued to nibble on the food. Once we where done we all out down money for our part of the food. We started walking back to the Curtis' house.
It was silent for a while walking until Ponyboy piped up. "Ray you ever miss your friends."
I continued walking my head down, "Yea all the time."
Ponyboy then asked, "Then why'd you leave?"
I looked up and looked at Ponyboy, "I just needed to leave."
He then replied, "Oh."
I whispered back to Ponyboy, "Thanks for not questioning any farther kid."
With that the conversation had ended and we continued walking in silence. Well the people walking with me where silent but a couple of the other guys in the gang continued to talk to each other.
We got up to the Curtis' yard and everyone started to go inside the house.
"Hey Ray can we talk for a second?" Twobit had asked. I nodded a little confused. We stood on the porch while everyone went inside.
I looked at Dallas leaning against the house lighting a cigarette.
"You guys can talk." He said genturing with his hand.
I looked at Twobit, "Ya?"
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Ya I'm fine." I just held on to my arm rubbing it out of bad habit.
"Look Shannon I've seen the scars and cuts and I want to make sure your okay." Twobit said with a pained expression. I looked at everything but Twobit staring off into the distance. I blinked because my eyes got watery. I don't need to show them emotion. I turned to looked at Dally quickly he was looking at me to.
"I've seen them too that's why I stayed I figured that's why Twobit wanted to talk to you."
"I- I'm fine." I walked back into the house and sat down next to Steve.
After awhile Twobit and Dally came in I wondered what they where talking about. 'Well they probably were talking about how much of a freak you are.' My mind thought. I just shook the thought out of my head. Dally was probably just finishing up his cigarette and Twobit probably kept him company.
After I while I stood up and tapped Steve on the shoulder.
"Yeah?" He asked.
I whispered quietly, "Are we gonna go soon?"
He replies back a little quieter after I whispered, "Well I was gonna stay here for the night..."
I just said, "Oh," I think he realized the disappointment laced in my voice.
"Ray if you want to go home you can go" Steve said. The guys where kind of glancing at us making me slightly uncomfortable.
"I'll stay I guess." I didn't want to stay but for some reason I kind of just wanted Steve to come with me. I was getting us to having him as a brother.
"Ray you don't have to stay if you want to leave than you can leave." I don't think he was trying to be mean but Steve just does that. Some of the guys heard us but we were whisphering.
"Ok," I whisphered back so quiet he hardly could hear. I was already standing so I said bye to the guys and starting walking home.
With the thing that happened with Twobit and Dally I got a little more depressed. I don't know why but it made me sad. And Steve not coming made me a little sad too.
The cool air and the dark night felt really nice. It was relaxing to walk in it alone. I started to hum a tune since it felt right. As soon as I realized I was walking up my house. When I got inside the house I walked upstairs to my room. I sat on the bed staring at my journal for a little while before writing and sketching little sketches in it.

Steve's P.O.V:
After a little while it started to get late and I decided I should go home and check up on Ray.
"He guys I'm going to go see if Ray is okay she was acting a little weird before."
"Okay bye Stevo I'll see you tomorrow," Sodapop said.
I saw Twobit and Dally glance at each other quickly. Everyone else either nodded, said 'ok', or said bye.
When I got home I started walking upstair and stood in the doorway of Ray's room and knocked on her door.
She looked up and I asked, "Are you okay?"
She sighed and replied, "I'm sick and tired of being asked that today."
"I'm guess that's partly what happened earlier?"
She nodded and I asked, "What else happened? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"Twobit and Dally told me how they saw my scars."
"Look everyone's gotten close to you and they just want to make sure your okay."
She just looked down and continued doing something in her notebook.
"I'm gonna go now goodnight."
"Goodnight Steve."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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