moving out and moving in part I

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“Alright guys, this is going to be a very brief meeting today,” I looked around at all the interns that were sitting in my backyard. I was looking for one boy in particular but he seemed to be smart enough not to come to today’s meeting making me slightly smirk. Oh poor little Adam, you won’t be able to escape my wrath by just avoiding meetings. I focused my train of thought back to what I gathered everyone here for today. “As you all know, Mr. Bentley is moving into my house today. We cannot, I repeat, absolutely cannot let any teachers know about our meetings; it risks all of your identities being known and might put an end to this secret pranking organization thing we’ve got going on right now. Is any of y’all homes big enough to fit twenty to thirty people for an hour?”

Several kids raised their hand and I smiled in joy when I saw one of the kids was Crazy Olive. I eagerly called on her since she was one of the only people I really trusted in this group. “Give us details about your house.”

The tiny girl rose up from her spot in the grass and pushed her curly brown her out of her face, “My house is actually on the country side of town but only about a twenty minute drive from the school. My backyard is an acre long, not counting the woods at the edge of it. Mom and Dad are doctors so they’re rarely home between four and eleven at night so it’d be perfect if we just moved to my place.”

I looked to everyone else and they seemed pleased with her offer, “Alrighty then. I guess our new meeting spot is Crazy Olive’s house.  But we need a plan B too. Any takers?”

“What about that abandoned playground on 25th street. The jungle gym there is like a little fortress and could fit everyone easily?”

I nodded my head thinking about it, “That’s a pretty good idea. Who said…..that…?” I turned around to find the owner of the voice being Antoine. My mouth went dry as he looked at me with a huge smirk on his face.

“Well, well, well.  So this is the little group you tried to recruit my friends in? At least I know who to rat out to my father now except for that one little girl,” he looked at Crazy Olive, “Would you mind taking those shades off and telling me your actual name. I can’t let these meetings go on any further and you’ll just be hindering my plans if you host the place this scheming will be done at.”

He took a step forward to the girl and I hollered out to my interns, “Code Sixty-two!  Code Sixty-two! Run! He hasn’t seen all of your faces so he can’t rat you all out! Run like the freaking wind bullseye!!”

Quickly, all of them scattered and ran like they were being chased by the cops. Some covered their faces with their hoods, others used their friends as shield, and the rest I guess were thinking ‘screw this’ because they jumped over my fence and ducked their head into their shirts running while yelling “Viva la vida loca!” Oh how I love this group of retards…

I turned to see Crazy Olive skidding out of my driveway with one of those tiny cars that look like boxes as Mr. Bentley’s moving truck came in. Well I guess we ended the meeting on time.

yay, an update! sorry it's so late...and short. I'll try to upload the next chapter quickly, I promise!!

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