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I have to be over thinking things. Half the times Natasha and Kennedy were with me Dee was nowhere to be found. They’ve always been around for me too, just not when it came too emotional stuff like this. They might not be the best friends I could have but they were definitely not using me to get to my brother.

“DJ are you alright?” Crazy Olive asked.

“No,” I laughed. “I never get this emotional about anything unless-”


I lunged myself out of Dee’s arms and took off running to the bathroom in a panic. Please don’t be what I think it is, dear god please don’t be what I think it is! I ran into the bathroom and practically took the stall’s door off its hinges to get inside it. Taking a deep breath I looked down.

And it’s what I thought it was. Dang it!

“DJ are you okay?!” I heard Crazy Olive jump in the bathroom panicked.

I take a deep breath and talk to her through the stall, “Hey Crazy Olive, would you by any chance have a towel with you. My little red bird decided it wanted to leave the nest today” I grumble.

“What are you talking about?! What little red bi- oh…. Yeah give me a second.”

I listen to her footsteps leave the bathroom. Great, now I just have to wait for a little while and I’m home free. I’ll just have to try a little harder to keep my hormones in check until I get home. Not a problem. I’ve done this before.

“She has to be in here! Dianna!”

Crap, that’s Nate’s voice! What is he doing in the girls’ bathroom?! I put the lid down on the commode to stand up on it. I peak through the crack of the stall to see him and all the other boys I’ve met holding all of my pranking weapons. This is not good, not good at all. They must’ve gotten them when Dee and Crazy Olive pried them out of my hands.

“She’s not in here Nate, let’s go. I’m not wasting my time trying to look for a bloody girl…” I had to keep myself from snorting at Arthur, “…when I could be reading during my lunch period.”

Nate ignored him as he started kicking stalls down one by one. With every door he kicked I cringed back in fear. What am I going to do? I looked down to see I still had one paint grenade left hooked on to my belt. Great but I can’t just run out of the bathroom in the state that I’m in. I looked down again to check if I had any more weapons to fight them off and noticed I was wearing black shorts.  Okay, maybe I can run out of here in my state. I’ll still have to meet up with Crazy Olive though, there is still three more hours of school left.

At a turtles pace I grabbed the paint grenade off my waist and pulled its trigger, holding the part where the paint comes out with my thumb. When Nate kicked down the stall next to mine, I swiftly rolled the paint grenade out and let it explode in the bathroom. When I heard the boys fall down from being hit with pressurized paint, I jumped over the stall and took off for the exit while grinning like a madman. As I skidded down the hallway I saw Crazy Olive holding my towel so I ran by her, snatching it out of her hands yelling thank you as I pushed myself harder to run when I heard all of the boys charging like a stampede in our direction.

I was so close to the safety of the cafeteria when I was tackled to the floor by all four boys. Since I’m out of ammo, I tried to claw my way out of the pile of boys in vain. Arthur straddled my back, Marcus held down my hands, Antoine held down my feet, and Nate was standing over me with my water gun grinning like he just been crowned king.

“Nate” I nervously laughed

“Dianna” he practically hissed my name making me cringe.

“Nate” I tried not to let him hear the fear in my voice. That gun has a lot of disgusting stuff in there I really don’t want to be hit by. “Put the water gun down. We can work things out right? It’s not like I’ve done anything to you yet. We’re cool right? Buddy…pal...Amigo...”

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