Sympathy and a new...frienemy? Part two

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When the bell rang for lunch everyone got up so fast at least three of the kids got whiplash. I don’t blame them though; I’m ready to be out of this hell hole. When Mr. Bentley went to his office inside of the room, I blocked the doorway preventing everyone to leave.

“Alright guys, since the extra work was my fault I will do it for all of you!”

“Are you sure DJ? The extra three pages he handed out is a lot of work? Plus we heard he’s gonna be your stepdad. Do you really mind the extra stress?” a random kid called out. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement except for some of the snotty girls in the room.

“Guys, don’t worry about it, I already know all the answers except for about five of them.  Just tell me what grade you’re aiming for and I’ll make sure you get it. Oh, and don’t forget to give me your emails so I can send you your work.”

Everyone gratefully nodded their heads and wrote down what grade they were shooting for on the extra assignment. To keep me from doing too much work, most of them decided for a grade ranging from a high c to a high b. the few people who didn’t like me asked for one hundreds but I think I’ll give them d’s instead. They need to learn when to be grateful when somebody helps them out, everything does not come on a silver platter. Once I got everything down, I hauled myself out of the classroom to find Natasha and her twin.

“AHH, stay away from me you crazy little-”

Guess I found them and Deon too. I turned around and followed the direction of the screaming boy and the giggling girls. Sometime I wish Natasha and Kennedy did leave my brother alone. I love to see him get flustered but it starts to tick you off after a while when you see your best friend only because they want to be with your brother. Turning the corner I found all three of them; Kennedy hanging on one of Deon’s arms and Natasha on the other.

“Why don’t you spend time with us Dee?”

“Yeah aren’t we your friends?”

“Guys let Deon go, you’re starting to scare the poor boy” I huffed.

He looked at me as if I were god for getting the girls off of him and quickly took off running towards the front exit of the school. Grabbing the two pouting girls, I started walking to the cafeteria.

“Oh DJ did you hear-” Kennedy started

“-about the four new kids coming here today?” Natasha finished, “We haven’t had any classes with them yet so we were wondering if you met them yet.”

I looked at them confused, “There are supposed to be four new boys here?”

“You didn’t hear about them?!” they both chorused, “We’ve been hearing about them all day! So far we heard that three of them are really smart and all four are totally cute”

I know I should be paying attention to what they are saying but I can only think of how they said all of that in unison. I mean not even me and Deon chorus that well! It’s creepy!

“Umm well that’s interesting”

Natasha deadpanned, “Really? That’s all you can say?”

“Well…” I stopped midsentence when I saw a group of boys walk toward us. They are gorgeous! Natasha had to nudge me to get out me out of my little trance.

“I call dibs on the one with the glasses” Kennedy whisper shouted.

“Screw the one with the glasses! I want the one with brown hair and electric blue eyes” I whispered back.  When he saw me staring he began to smirk. “Too bad he has to be welcomed.”

The twins snapped their heads at me instantly, “Oh come on DJ they’re hot! Can’t you at least spare these four? For us, please?!”

“Do you remember last time you greeted the new boy?” Natasha grimaced

Well it’s not my fault the boy avoids them because I’m their friend! He should’ve taken the glitter bomb like a man! At least I made the glitter blue! Blue is a manly color right? Shaking the thought out of my  head, I got one of them paint grenades I made in chemistry out of my bag and pulled it’s trigger, quickly throwing it at them yelling a fierce welcome. It flew straight to the smirking boy. This is where the biggest shocker of my life came into place. He and the other boy beside him saw it coming! They used their colossal sized backpacks as barriers while the other two got splattered with orange paint. When they took down their backpack, even the other kid was smirking. Their smirks got even wider as I stared in shock. I turned around to see about fifteen other people in more shock than I am.

“I-it-it’s….it’s the apocalypse!! Everybody duck and cover!” on kid in the crowd yelled.

Every one of the fifteen kids scattered like they just realized they were in the middle of a shootout or something. But I guess that was because of the livid expression on my face. Nobody and I do mean nobody, especially a new kid, has ever foreseen my strikes on them. Usually my plans are spontaneous, that’s how I’m able to them! What is the meaning of this?

Okay now is not the time to panic or go crazy. There’s a first time for everything so I just need to take a deep breath. Who knows, this could be a good thing. Since they were able to block my attacks, this means they are very vigilant and coordinating. I see a great deal of potential in them. Maybe they can be my newest interns. This could actually work out if I play my cards right. Slowly I walked up to them making sure both hands were out for them to see so they’d know I have temporarily surrendered.

“Hi, my name is Dianna Jackson, but everyone calls my DJ for short.”

All of them stared me down without speaking, making me squirm under their gaze until the kid with glasses spoke up.

“My name is Arthur Kirk, for some reason though a bunch of girls today kept squealing and said they’re going to call me Iggy.” I rolled my eyes. I bet he is referring to the Otakus of our school.  Why else would they call him Iggy?

“Nice to meet you Ig- I mean Arthur”

“This is Marcus my little brother” he pointed to the boy with strawberry blonde hair and piercing green eyes. It caught me of guard because his little brother looked older than him!

He then pointed to the boy who caught my eye, “This is Nate.”

He finally pointed to the other kid who was smirking moments ago “And last but not least that is Antoine.”

“Nice to meet you all” I lifted my hand to shake with them but only Arthur shook it the others continued to stare at me with blank expressions. “Okay, what’s with the hostile moods?!”

“Oh it’s nothing” Nate walked up to me and whispered in my ear, “but I will get you back, sister”

Hold up, did he just say sister? I looked at him and recognized some of his features. When realization set in I yelled.

“What the heck!” Natasha and Kennedy chorused with me. Oh I forgot they were there. But let us get back to the main topic.

Nate is my stepbrother?!?!?!

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