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"Let me go! I said let. Me. Go!" I wiggled and writhed under the boys' death grips, hoping I could get away before they decide to have an execution.

"Will you please stop struggling Dianna?," Arthur sighed, "You're not making anything easier for yourself."

He obviously didn't want to be here. Just looking at him I could tell he'd rather be reading a book or flirting with one of the few smart girls at this school. If I could just get some time alone with him before anything happens....

Suddenly I was dropped to the ground with a hard thud and Nate gave me a glare before he turned to Arthur.

"Watch her until we get back."

I blinked in shock.

For some reason, right now I feel like a genie should be in front of me saying, "You're wish is my command" or something. Just my luck.

As the rest of the boys walked away, Arthur sat down and grabbed the book he was reading out of his back pocket. Before he started to read wherever he left off he looked directly at me.

"You know I won't stop you if you try to run right?"

I hastily stood up and dusted off my jeans, "Yeah I know. You don't really look like the revenge type unless someone has really cheesed you off."

He faintly smiled at my comment. "You seem like a kid that's dragged into everything when all he really wants is to read or find a girlfriend that can actually hold a conversation for two minutes without sounding like a straight D student."

"What are you getting at Dianna?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all. I just have a proposition for you, is all"

He smirked and sat down his book, "Oh and that would be...?"

"Since you hate being part of huge plans of kidnap and pranking" I pointed to myself, "I just ask that you help me out with a few minor things and I'll help you out with whatever you need. Wether it'd be helping you finding a girlfriend or me getting you revenge so you don't have to do any of the dirty work."

"Alright deal" he put his hand out to shake and I happily accepted it.

"As my first favor, I need you to keep the boys and Mr. Bentley away from my house for an hour and pick up something for me. Is that too much to ask for?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"No not at all. Now you might wanna run; I can here Nate's rampage from sixty feet away."

I saluted him before taking a sprint in the opposite direction the boys left, "Thanks Kirk! Bye!"

Why do I have a feeling I just sold my soul to a derange teenager...? I as I ran, I turned around to glance back at Arthur to see him staring at me. The glint he had in his eyes made me shudder. When he saw my discomfort he smirked.

Yeah, I think I just sold my soul to a deranged teenager.

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