Interns warning

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"Where is it?" I mumbled in irritation. I had to tear up over half my closet to find my diary and commence writing into it.

Dear Diary,

It's safe to say that everything went waaay downhill that evening. After Mr. Bentley got the laxatives I snuck in his food out of his system he was in no shape to stay for dinner, thank goodness. Mom was bubbly with excitement and Deon and I didn't have the heart to tell her that she was dating McGravon high school's public enemy number one, then Deon had to try and save his bathroom. I can remember the exact words that emitted from his mouth like it happened seconds ago....

"My eyes.... They BURN!!!" 

"Sweet Jesus this smells (cue the sounds of gagging and hurling" 

"Somebody please help me!" 

"I can't do this; my baby's been killed! That. Man. Will. Pay!"

By the time he got a fraction of the horrid smell left behind by the teacher out, poor kid's eyes were red with floods of tears refusing to come out, nose looked shriveled fro scrunching in disgust so much, and his usually steady hands were shaking like an addict who hadn't had their fix in weeks. If was funny as crap until he made me help him out.

After that neither of us ate for the next two days. Yes, it was that disgusting. Deon gave me an evil glare for a week knowing I was the cause for his bathroom's death by funk. Being the person I am I just laughed but pointed out what were the chances that Mr. Bentley would be in our house.

"Well a pretty darn good chance since he was!" he fumed. Just so he would shut up I traded my bathroom with his since I was used to bad odors.

When Mr. Bentley sadly recovered he gave me about two months of detention for breaking and entering as well as the tampering of a teachers stuff. Since I am the head of freshmen trial, and have been since my freshman year, the meeting for ideas on how to prank the newcomers was pushed back for a while, which the freshmen had no problem with at all. Mr. Bentley has yet to show up at our door again and I'm pretty sure that's because he knows there will be a war the second he does.

Well my life is goin' to be veeeery interesting from now on

With love and pranks, 

Dianna J.


I looked at all of my interns with a broadening smile, excited for today. It is a few months late but it's finally here; it's finally freshmen trial.

"All of my freshmen interns please step forward" I sang out.

Only two boys and a girl stepped out of theme twenty disciples. I know for a fact there are more than this. Those pansies are too afraid to step forward. I can't have that at all.

"Freshmen interns, front and center. Now!" I yelled into the group. Slowly but surely, like five frightened little chickens, the others made their way to me. I let a laugh escape my lips as I starred them down.

"You all know what time it is right?"

The five who hesitated coming up shakily nodded their heads while the other three stiffened their backs with alert eyes, ready to dodge whatever comes to them and dip without further notice.

"You all are scared, that's completely understandable. What I am about to tell you will ease your minds a little; your freshmen trial will not be as bad as the others b-"

I was interrupted by small cheers and a loud thank you god. I let them have their mini celebration before I continued.

"But that is only if you follow these rules:

Rule número uno: you will not tell your friends about freshmen trial. That includes hinting, giving them anonymous warnings of any sort, or making them stay at home. The last one will be done in vain because freshmen trial lasts for a week so there is no way to avoid it. Besides, we won't stop until all the freshmen have been pranked. Don't think we will forget you either because we have a list of every freshmen of this school and your name won't be crossed of until you have been pranked.

Rule número dos: you must help the senior who chooses you to accompany them during the trial period. Not all of the seniors are doing freshmen trial, just the ones who are pick you and the other twelve interns so they might need help, which is why you are going to be chosen. I myself will pick one of you.

Rule número tres: you will not rat out your senior's identity to anyone. I don't care if it's a freshman, sophomore, junior, or even senior you tell it to; there are tattle tails at the school who would jump at the opportunity to snitch and get them in trouble. Even when you are caught do not say any names. Just tell the principal you were forced into this and she will freely forgive you immediately. No questions asked.

Is there anything I need to elaborate on?"

The one freshman girl of the group raised her had with defiance sparkling in her eyes "And if we break any of these rules?"

"Your trial will be the worse out if the whole freshmen class" I pulled my secret weapon from behind my back, "and you'll also get the bucket. Wanna see what's inside of it?"

The kid beside her visibly whitened and quickly got away from her not wanting to be a victim of crossfire. Any defiance she had in her eyes was gone and replaced by fear, which she tried to cover with a poker face in vain. I think one of the kids peed themselves judging by the strong scent that filled the air but I didn't look praying I was wrong. Is the bucket that scary? That's funny.

"There a-ain't nothing in that bucket."

"Really? So you don't mind if I do- this!" I lurched the bucket forward making all of the freshmen scatter out of the way or just downright hit the floor including her. I know that was mean but I can't stand those who dare try to defy me and have a lack of illiteracy, even if I'm not the best grammar student too.

"Okay okay I get it!" she flinched as my hand twitched on the bucket, "I was just asking hypothetically."

"I bet you were. Just for that little stunt I'm going to assign you to my buddy" I chuckled evilly, "Brett don't bother picking a intern, I found you the perfect one so come over here!"

Standing at six feet tall, a masculine brown haired electric blue eyed teen stepped forward with a menacing smirk. When he caught sight of his intern that smirk widened a little further.

"Holy goldfish...." one of the freshman breathed knowing their comrade was screwed.

"Brett here shows no mercy when it comes to pranking and even pranks his assigned interns. Have fun."

The girl swallowed as I turned my back, desperately trying not to let out the laugh that crept up my throat. In all honesty he's a teddy bear whose pranks were has tactical as a five year old's. Plus the bucket wasn't even filled; but it will be for anyone who does break the rules. I turned my attention to the others to say my final words of the meeting.

"Alright guys freshmen trial starts in" I looked at my watch to see it was 6:30p.m," twelve hours and fifteen minutes. Go stand by and wait for you seniors to select you as their partner. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor."

Some of them cracked a smile at the hunger games reference

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